4. How Didn't I Notice Before?

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Once Ruki opened the back door with the big exit sign, the gust of air hit his face, making him shiver at the sudden cold. It was that time of the year that the temperature was dropping drastically, and he had just taken a shower, not a good combination. "You're late." A sweet voice cut through the wind, making the young man look at the owner of it. Rin was leaning against the wall, with a shy smile, shivering from the cold. Ruki, smiled back at her and grabbed her hand, lacing their fingers as he started pulling her towards the main street. "Where are we going?" Rin shakily asked, staring at their intertwined fingers. She never thought something like this would happen; she had lost hope when he rejected her back at high school. And she shouldn't start have feelings for him. Firstly she sweared not to fall in love with anyone and the second reason was something she couldn't even start thinking about; it brought her headache.

"We're going somewhere to eat. Unless you want to go to the after party?" Ruki asked, tugging her closer to him, so they wouldn't be as cold, or maybe that was an excuse to have her close to him, feel her body heat and inhale her sweet raspberry smell. He led her towards the road, waiting for her answer before he could call a cab.

"We could go eat. I am kind of starving." She mumbled, avoiding his gaze at all costs. She shouldn't be here. She shouldn't be going to dinner with him. What has gotten into me? Was all Rin could think. This man, is the only one she could actually see herself with, but he had rejected her. He probably wanted to sleep with her; the thought struck Rin so hard that she almost started crying to the spot. Ruki nodded and hailed a taxi, opening the door for her. When they both slipped in, Ruki gave an address to the driver, that Rin hadn't heard before. The drive was quiet and thankfully the man didn't make any attempts to start any conversation. As soon as they reached their destination, Rin pulled out her wallet but Ruki beat her to it before she could retrieve any money. He quickly paid and pulled Rin out of the car before she could protest. He grabbed her small, cold hand once more and led her towards a nice and quiet restaurant.

Once they got past the dark wooden doors, Rin couldn't help but notice how quiet and elegant it was. The walls were dark red, with dim lights here and there to give off a romantic aura. There were small tables with pillows for the guests to sit in a traditional Japanese reastaurant and candles on each of the dark brown tables. On either sides of the doors there were shoe cabinets and custom shoes for the costumers to wear.

"Hello, how can I help you?" A waiter appeared out of nowhere, startling Rin. She bowed at him. A smile was tugged at the man's lips, giving Rin the relaxation she needed. Ruki helped the woman slip her coat off, hanging it and the waiter passed them their shoe size, so they could change.

"A table for two, please." Ruki replied through gritted teeth. Rin arched a perfect trimmed eyebrow at him as the waiter led them to a secluded table, at the far end of the restaurant, where it wasn't as crowded. Rin delicately tucked her legs beneath her bum as she settled on the pillow, Ruki being less graceful. Once they were seated, the man let out a sigh of relief and pulled the hood off his head, running a hand through his messy hair.

"What can I get you two?" The waiter asked, his eyes piercing an oblivious Rin. Ruki stirred in his seat, holding himself back on not punching him in the face. He was attractive, that much was sure and even Ruki had to admit it. He had straight brown hair, bright brown eyes and a dimple on his left cheek. Ruki suddnly felt insignificant and little; he felt jealousy burning the very core of hi soul, he felt possessive. And he finally admited to himself that he wanted her. He wanted the young woman that was staring down at the neat table and all around the restaurant with awe stricken on her face.

"We will take some sake, I will take Nikujaga, what about you Rin-chan?" Ruki asked, bringing the girl out of her thoughts. The waiter's eyes bored into the young woman's making her flush in embarassment and mumble quietly, "I'll take Okonomiyaki." Ruki and the waiter nodded, the latter, leaving the couple alone.

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