Chapter 1: Why is there a condom in the living room?

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Chapter 1:"Why is there a condom in the living room?"

Ari's Pov:

Two years passed since my brothers (Drake and Dom) Jeremey, Jace and I ran away from our home. So far we ran all the way to Florida. My once black hair is now colored to an auburn brown and I have hazel contacts. Drake got his hair colored to a dirty blonde & has green contacts. Dom shaved his hair to a buzz cut & got green contacts as well. Jeremy colored his hair blonde saying that "it makes him look sexy." & got brown contacts. Lastly Jace. He dyed his hair a dirty blonde, but kept his eye color. I love his eyes.

Well, if nobody figured it out yet... Jace is my mate. I am so in love with him that it's crazy. Sure I may be 12 and he's 16 and he's more experienced and all that but it's all good... Right? The thing is he doesn't know I'm his mate. Well, he might and be good at hiding it, but why do that right? We're trying to blend in by attending school. The boys are juniors in high school & I'm a freshmen. (I skipped a few grades...)

I always see skanks hanging off him & he always seems to enjoy himself. I always have that clench in my heart when I see the sight.

"Hey Cutie." Jace comes over and puts his arm around my shoulders. He never touched my skin ever since he turned 15 cause that's when you find your mate. I was to scared he'd reject me to tell him.

"Cutie?" I come back to reality.

"Huh?" how intellectual...

"Schools over. Let's go home!" jace says cheerfully. We walk to his motorcycle and he drives us home.

Drake and Dom had to deal with some gang business. Yes, I said gang. The guys are apart of this gang they created and let's just say A LOT of people are scared of them. And jeremey, well he's always off doing god knows what at some bimbos house. Jace usually drops me off and leaves to do whatever he usually does.

"Hey Cutie. Help me find the keys to Jeremey's car!" Jace yells from Jeremey's room.

We frantically look for the keys and I find it on the floor. I reach over to it and so does Jace. We reach the key at the same time and our hands touch. How cliche huh? You find out your mates that way...

I take my hand out and awkwardly leave the room with my face blushing red.

"Ari." Jace said in a whisper. I look at him and his eyes are silver. When male wolves are lustful or in teenage words "horny" then their eyes turn silver.

"Your my mate." he said matter of fact.

"Yes, I am. But Jace it won't work. I mean--"

I was cut off by his soft luscious lips. My whole body was on fire and I craved for him.

He took me the couch and he lay me underneath him. He pulled out a condom and began the magic.

~~~~ ladidadida(: ~~~~~~~~~~~

"Woah." was all I could say. I felt sore, but it felt good.

"You're mine, Cutie" said Jace with a cheeky grin.

"Always." I replied with a smile. "I'm gonna go take a shower..." I put on a seductive smile, "wanna join me?"

He got up as if he were on fire and followed me to the bathroom and we once again started.


After we finished our shower and got dressed we lied in bed in each others arms. I loved his warmth.


We walked downstairs and see Dom holding the condom package.

"Why is there a condom in the living room?"



Phew. That was fun! I'll write the rated R scene & you can view it in "my stories"

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I am a teenage runaway & apart of a crazy werewolf gang...yikes!Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora