Us, Finally

12 1 0

I woke up with him close next to me, he rubbed my shoulder and my eyes were instantly opened. I rolled over to see his face, "good morning Andrea" he said with a gentle yet masculine voice. "Hey" it was all i could say after a night like that.

He sat up against a tree and i laid up against him he held my hand and kissed my forehead. I felt a drop of sweat fall on my chest from his nose, it almost felt refreshing.

I couldn't believe that it was an us now. Things were going to be a lot different. I looked up at him, his thumb rubbed the top of my hand and a flock of butterflies filled my stomach. "Damien? I love you" i said with a quiet voice and he smiled.

Later that day we walked alone through the forest. Everyone else had gone there separate ways but me and Damien stuck together.

My smile did not once leave my face. This was something i wanted since i was 12, and now i have it.

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