Do i stay?

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We reached the minors, there were already bond fires set up.

Lamie walked in front of me and turned around to face me. "These are the only people who stayed in this area, i think you should get to know them" it was 4 boys and a girl.

I took a deep breath and Lamie began introducing me. "This is Harry he's 18, and that's Louis he's 17, there's Burch he's 16, and Mark he's 14, and over there is Pat she's 16 and she is mute" i looked over and saw Louis smiling at me and i just tried not making eye contact.

Arkes looked at Pat for a moment, it almost looked like he was interested in her somehow. I just smiled, i thought it was sweet.

It grew late and the fire went down. As we all were gathered around the fire, Lamie looked at all of us. "Two of us need to keep watch tonight" i looked around but nobody said anything, then i saw pat raise her hand and i smiled "i will too" i said and Lamie smiled "okay"

All the others were asleep. Me and pat sat together holing tall thick sticks in our tight grip. "I know you can't say anything but i will" she looked at me then looked over at Arkes laying on the ground.

"Do you like him?" I asked with a little smile and she shook her head with a little half smile, she showed me a little with her fingers and i smiled "that's so sweet" and she tucked her hair behind her ear.

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