You Wear His Clothes

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Ed: You had gotten cold, and decided to wear one of Eds sweatshirts. He came home and saw you curled up in it, smiled, and carried you to bed.

Greg: You didn't really wear any of Gregs clothes. You thought it was a little weird.

Sam: You put on one of Sam's shirts. You guys weren't working today, so you just put one of them on, ND cuddled on the couch.

Spike: You stole one of Spikes hoodies. When he saw you wearing it, he smirked and cuddled with you.

Jules: You went to the shooting range with Jules when she noticed that you had on one of her SRU hats. She laughed at you, and let you wear it.

Lew: You wore his SRU shirt. It was warm and smelled like him. God did you miss him.

Wordy: It was winter, and a little cold, so you grabbed a hoodie and put it on. "Why are you wearing my hoodie?" He asked once he saw you. You looked down and saw that it was his. You shrugged, "I just grabbed one," you reply, and he smiled at you.

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