S/He or You Apologize

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Ed: You heard a knock on the door of your house. You walk over, and open it. "Hey," he whispers. You open the door, and he hugs you. "I'm sorry," he whispers. "It's okay," you reply.

Greg: After Greg told you to leave, you went back to your house. You were hurt by what he told you. You knew he deserved to make his own impression, not by what other people told you. He just didn't see it that way. Knock knock. I opened the door, and saw Greg. "Can I come in?" He asks. I nod, and he comes inside. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have yelled at you," he tells you. "It's okay," you reply.

Sam: I stood in front of Sam's apartment door, and knocked. He opened it, and had a soft smile on his face. "I'm sorry," I tell him. He hugs me, pulling me into his apartment, and closes the door. "I'm sorry too," he replies, and then you guys cuddle on his sofa.

Spike: You were sitting on a park bench, the one you always sit on when you felt arms on your shoulders. "I'm sorry," you hear Spike say from behind you. "It's not your fault, you were doing your job," you reply before getting up to hug him.

Jules: You walked back into your house, and saw Jules. "I'm sorry for laughing, and no. There isn't anything going on between me an Sam," she says. "I'm sorry for overreacting," I tell her.

Lew: When Lew came back, he saw you waiting for him. "Will you listen to me?" I ask. He nodded, and sat beside you. "I don't like Mark. I love you, besides he's married," I tell him. "Sorry," he says, and you knew he meant it.

Wordy: You walked into your house, and Wordy was sitting on the sofa. He jumped up, and hugged you. "Oh my god, are you okay?" He asked. "Yeah," you reply. "Why'd you leave?" He asked. "I'll tell you in a minute, and I'm sorry," you tell him. He just nods and you tell him, apologizing about a thousand times.

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