What s/he loves about You

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Ed: Ed loves that you can be your own person, and not care what anyone thinks. He loves your laugh, and the way your eyes light up when you do.

Greg: Greg loves that you don't care about the bad stuff from his past. You told him that he had a clean slate, and he had his opportunity to make the impression himself. He also loves to see you smile.

Sam: Sam loves your personality. You can kick-butt one moment, and then be really kind to older people who need your help the next.

Spike: Spike loves your eyes. He loves to see them light up when you see him, or when you talk about something you love. He also likes how soft your lips are.

Jules: Jules loves your hands. She likes to hold them, and mess with them while you guys cuddle. You think it's a little weird, but you like her weird side.

Lew: Lew loves you. He loves everything about you. Your smile, your kindness, your laugh. He just loves you.

Wordy: Wordy loves how he can talk to you about anything, and you'll listen. He loves that you'll give him your honest input. He also likes your hugs.

Flashpoint PreferancesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora