How You Wake Them Up

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Ed: You usually don't wake him up seeing at he has to go to work early. However, on the weekends you wake up and make breakfast. The smell usually wakes him up.

Greg: Greg always wakes up before you. Even if you get up at 7 on the weekends, he's always up before you.

Sam: You'll lightly kiss him, and then as you try to get up, he'll pull you close to him and won't let go.

Spike: "Spike," you whisper and lightly poke his cheek. "Psst...Spike," you whisper, a smirk resting on your face. "What?" He asks sleepily. "You need to wake up," you whisper again. He sighs and opens his eyes, looking at your (e/c) eyes with his brown ones. "Okay," he says in his morning voice before finally getting up.

Jules: You just jump on the bed until she grabs your ankle and trips you. "I made breakfast," you tell her before smiling as she gets up.

Lew: "Lew, I made breakfast!" You yell. "Be there in a sec!" He replies. You waited 10 minutes, and he still wasn't there. You smiled, grabbed the plate of bacon, and went into the bedroom before teasing him with it.

Wordy: "Hey Wordy, Ally needs you," you tell him. "Okay," he says getting up. "She fell outside and scraped her knee, and she insisted that her daddy be there to help," you tell him with a smile. He laughed softly, and went to help his daughter.

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