How S/He Hugs You

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Ed: Ed wraps his arms around your shoulders, and you wrap yours around his waist. You lay your head on his shoulder as he kisses your cheek.

Greg: Your guy's hugs are nothing too special. They're normal hugs. He isn't one to cuddle, he is Greg Parker after all.

Sam: Sam hugs you like you're his lifeline. He wraps you tight in his arms, and never wants to let go. To be honest, you could stay in his arms all day, but you don't tell him that. It might inflate his ego a little too much.

Spike: Spike loves to hug you. He'll wrap his arms around your waist, and you'll wrap yours around his neck. He loves to bury his face in your neck, taking in your sent. He says that it calms him. You love to hug him because being wrapped in his muscular arms make you feel safe.

Jules: You guys like wrapping your arms around each other's waists. It's a simple gesture to both of you, that neither of you will leave the other.

Lew: Lew likes to have you in his arms. When you're sitting, cooking, even when you guys are sleeping. He wraps his arms around your waist, and leans his chin on your shoulder or head. You like to lean your head on his shoulder, and hold one of his hands.

Wordy: Wordy likes to hug you, but he doesn't want to over do it. He'll give you side hugs, or really quick ones. But on occasion, he'll wrap his arms around your shoulders, and hug you like he's never gonna let go. You wrap your own arms around his waist, and lean your foreheads together.

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