Madness in Aranzazú

Start from the beginning

I liked doing that. Feels funny.

So I walked, swinging my arms freely with each step... Too freely. Didn't I have...

I forgot to imagine the sword in my hand.

I looked to the spot I was just a minute ago and I saw a sparkle.

–Awwwwwwwwwww– I imagined I was next to the sword –wwwwwwwwww –closed my eyes –wwwwwwwwww –flash, lighting –wwwwwwwww –grabbed the sword –wwwwwww –took a deep breath.

I imagined myself back on the hill... now holding the sword.

The flash appeared again, the sound too.

I returned to where I was...

Good think I was alone.


One word is sufficient to describe how I felt (and it isn't exactly one):


Maybe it's because I'm used to living in a place with graffiti in every single wall and people yelling at each other in the streets or this is really the city of wonders like the owner told me.

But just looking at it made me feel like if I just traveled to a whole different world.

The buildings were almost as tall as the clouds and they were clean! There were no graffiti to be found (well, eventually I found some doodles on the entrance to a store, but whatyougonnadoaboutit).

The cars were in perfect conditions, as if they have been just made a second ago! No scratches, no rust and they didn't produce smoke like if they were my carer!

Also, there was this pole with three lights. I didn't know at first, but apparently you have to stop with the green one while the cars moved, and you walk with the red one (there was also a beep while it lasted). I don't know what the yellow means tho', probably just a warning or something.

There were so many stores and markets and each one with so many things on sale! I mean, I think you could even find one of those watches if you looked carefully enough.

And the people, the place was filled with people. It was even difficult to walk between them, but still, none of them pushed me brutally, not even ONCE! Their clothes were so clean and their hair wasn't covered with dust and dirt. But mine was a bit...

They were chatting, some stopped at the stores, others crossed the streets, but they still didn't scream at each other.

It was... beautiful.

So I kept walking. Walking and admiring.

I can confirm this, indeed, was the city of wonders.

Something caught my attention as I crossed a street.

A giant poster hanged on the middle of the building that was in front of me. And like if it was put there just for me it said:

The Aranzazú Hystory Museum invites you today to see our new exhibitions with ancient relics recently found by our explorers. But not only we invite you to be part of history today, but, thanks to Logout for sponsoring us, you can also come for free and appreciate invited exhibitions from the Ginebra Great Museum of Arts and History!

We're waiting for you in front of the Colomos Forest!

After that it just said the opening hours.

–Looks like I have a mission –I said to me as I walked forward with determination straight to the Museum, just in front of Colomos.

But I didn't know where one of those were.

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