Chapter 2

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(This chapter has some gore and cursing)

The Human Mind is Not a Terribly Logical or Consistent Place

Chapter 2

One Year Later

“Dr. Pike and Dr. Bones please report to the interrogation room,” the woman spoke over the intercom bringing us out of our conversation with Kirk. “Oh, looks like you guys get to get interrogated,” Kirk laughed. “You wish Kirk, but actually I am doing the interrogating he is making sure there is no physical damage after. We always work as a team for things like this, we are one of the best,” I smiled as Bones and I grabbed our things walking to the rooms. “Hey can I come with you guys!” Kirk yelled from behind us. “You can’t come but I don’t know if Captain Pike will let you in. It can get dangerous in there is you don’t get her words out of your head,” Bones told him as he caught up to us. “What Bones come on it is me, James Tiberius Kirk, I can handle anything that is thrown at me,” Kirk said boosting up himself. “Kirk stop calling me bones and you don’t understand her words bring any person into nightmares for weeks,” Bones told him him as we stepped into the elevator. “Wait so she can call you Bones but I can’t?” Kirk said flabbergasted. “It’s because I’m a girl, Kirk and I’m his best friend,” I told him sticking out my tongue. “More like his girlfriend,” Kirk whispered but before I could hit him the elevator opened onto the floor.

“We’ve been waiting for you Dr. Pike the patient is in the room,” the nurse explained handing me a chart. “Remember Julie when they come to us for interrogations they aren’t patient’s they are criminals,” I spoke looking over the chart she nodded shyly and went back to her duties. I walked over to the man studying him as he glares at me angrily from his seat in the center of the room. “What is he being interrogated for?” Kirk asked from the corner. “He murdered three Starfleet cadets and we have to prove it with his confession,” I spoke sitting into the chair across from the man. “Well you know what you won’t get a damn thing from me but I could give you a little something something if you know what I’m saying,” the man spoke smugly raising his eyebrows awaiting my answer. “No thanks I don’t associate with criminals,” I spoke lowly writing on the paper. “We are ready to start Leo close the glass case and watch closely,” I told him as he nodded moving over to the computer pressing some buttons that brought down class walls around the criminal and I the only way the get out is from the outside and there is no way your would slip through the inch wide breathing holes. 

“Your name is Samuel Lancaster and you are of the human species gender male,” I spoke reading from the paper. “I know my name slut,” he spit at me. “Vulgar language and threats won’t get your very far Mr. Lancaster. I am starting off nice but I can easily be mean and get this over with quickly I just think it is unfair for you,” I spoke darkly as he laughed. “Bitch throw everything you have at me because I am telling you I did not kill none of those Starfleet!” He yelled shaking his chained wrists. “Are you sure you want to devolve into the dark path of the mind because I have the ability to make go inside your mind forcing you to do as I say,” I warned giving him one more chance to confess without force. “Bring all you’ve got bitch because I will not tell you anything,” he leaned back in his chair smiling as I stood up and walked to the wall where Bones passed over the head pieces for the process.

“I’m going to put this piece on your head and the other piece on mine it will allow me to walk inside your mind and your memories which will be placed on the Tv there for them to see and record,” I explained placing the devices on his head then placing mine on my head and sitting down. I closed my eyes and immediately was placed into a dark and unfamiliar place. I started to walk around until I saw Samuel Standing there smugly. “This is my mind I can do whatever I want, you would never even be able to get to the killing,” He said as he ran away. “Oh so there is a killing in here,” I smiled as a filing cabinet appeared next to me. I opened the top one and started to slide through the files until I found the one I wanted. “You shouldn’t have opened your big mouth Samuel,” I laughed as I threw the file into the air the memory appearing all around us. “Samuel,” I chanted running through the guns shots and the blood. As I reached the end of the tunnel Samuel appeared frozen in shock as the murders played over and over before him. “Do you see what you did Samuel? Do you see the blood, the death, can you feel the pain inside your body,” I spoke as he screamed out in pain. “Do you still deny that you killed three Starfleet cadets?” I asked replaying the memory. “No I don’t deny it. I confess I killed them in cold blood,” he yelled as the images stopped immediately and we were back in the glass box. I looked over at Samuel and saw his shaking form he was terrified. “Alright Adrien we have the confession,” Leo spoke as the wall came down.

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