Chapter 47

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Chapter 47- Liam's POV

I couldn't believe who V was. I was shocked. It was so unexpected. "LUCAS?! Bu...but..but why?" I muttered, looking for words. "You really don't know why?" He asked. "No! What did we do?" Louis asked. "The X-factor. Ringing any bells?" He asked. "Yeah of course. We went on the X-factor and that's when we formed One Direction." Harry said. "Yes, you did. And all of you stole the show! Everyone loved you, and you're singing was absolutely dreadful." He said. "So you hate us because you hate our singing?" I asked confused. "I was on the X-factor competing against all of you. I played the guitar and sang. Then you guys all got yeses and I was kicked off." He said, angrily. "Oh, that's where I remember you from." Harry said. "Then you guys became uber famous and that should've been me!" Lucas yelled. "I'm sorry! I'm sure you were brilliant and you should've stayed on but that's not our fault. It was the judges choice." Niall said. "Yes I know that, but if it wasn't for you guys, I would've stayed!" Lucas yelled. "So un-tie us then." Niall exclaimed. Lucas laughed. "I wanna see you suffer." He said.

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