Chapter 4

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Chapter 4- Niall's POV

The waiter came and we got the bill. Liam got a box for my chicken rap cuz he knew I would want it later. We started towards the car. It was about 9:00 and it was dark out now. I walked a bit behind. The boys were making jokes and laughing. I could feel someone watching me, watching us. I looked around for someone but the streets were ghosts. There was no one. Strange I thought. We walked passed old run down stores and apartments. We walked passed a dark ally. I looked in it, there was a dumpster and beside it was a silhouette. My heart jumped and started to beat faster. It was a silhouette of a person. I looked away for a second but when I looked back it was gone. I ran to catch up to the boys. I just passed the ally when a garbage can fell over out onto the side walk right behind me. I froze stiff unable to move, paralized with fear. The guys all turned around and starred at me. I was finally able to move and I turned around. Some garbage was spilled in the sidewalk. I stood there. "Niall?" Zayn said. They gave eachother strange looks. I could not answer. "Niall lets go." Louis said. "Ok" I mustered. The guys turned around and continued to the car. I looked closer at the pile of garbage and spotted a note. I looked even closer and saw it had my name on it. I grabbed it (assuming it was for me), slipped it in my pocket and ran to catch up with the guys.

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