Chapter 5

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Chapter 5- Niall's POV

"ι've вeen waтcнιng yoυ. ι've вeen waтcнιng all oғ yoυ. yoυ вeттer waтcн yoυr вacĸ, yoυ aren'т aѕ ѕaғe aѕ yoυ тнιnĸ yoυ are. -v"

I starred at the tattered note and then put it back in my pocket. I was scared. Scared that someone had been watching us for days, or who knows how long, it could've been months. Scared that there was someone out there who wanted to hurt us. Scared that we don't even know who "V" looked like or what V standed for. I was filled with questions I couldn't possibly know the answer to. It had just ocurred to me that V had been standing in the ally earlier that night just feet away from me! I sighed. I was tired and I had a headache, I covered my face in my hands and wiped my face. I need to tell someone else about this. But I couldn't, the less people to know the better and besides I wouldn't want to worry the others. I was hungry so I went to get my Nandos left overs from the fridge. I scanned the food and saw that we were running low on milk. "Hey guys we don't have much milk left." I said, walking into the living room of the condo we were staying in. "Ok Ill walk to the store down the street and get some." Louis said. "Are they still open at this time?" I asked. "Yeah probably." Louis answered. "Be back in about 15 minutes." Louis said. He grabbed his phone and closed the door.

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