Chapter Six

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“Sorry I took so long… Teresa and Mr.Washunka stopped me in the hallway and they were talking to me.” Carl said, kicking the dirt with his feet as we slowly walked to his house. I didn’t reply because I had nothing to say. I was curious about the Maza guys… why did they leave so suddenly?

“Are you excited about the parade this weekend?” I changed the subject. Carl’s eyes lit up instantly, “oh! Maybe it’s still not finished?” He took off into the direction of main street and I rolled my eyes and followed him. The traffic was blocked and there were a couple of police cars on the middle of the street, so I assume it wasn’t completely over. Carl ran to one of the cops and I gulped. Cops are creepy… they don’t seem to like me.

“Hey there Carl.” One of the cops, Jason, greeted him.

“Hey Jase… is the parade over?” Carl asked, taking a cracker from Jason’s box.

“For now it is. But they’re having one with fireworks here tonight… at 8:30 PM.” Jason replied, narrowing his eyes at me.

“Hey there… come a little closer Melvin. I’m not gonna bite.” He chuckled and I cautiously neared him. Another cop gave me a funny look and I decided to avoid looking at them. I noticed a cop that I had never seen before, standing in the shade; he was watching me.

“Who’s that?” I whispered in Carl’s ear, looking at the cop. Carl knows every single cop in Chappry. His uncle is a cop too… but he seems to be off duty today. Carl’s uncle, to be honest, is one of the meanest cops I have ever met in my whole life. I don’t ever remember any of the cops on the reserve being as mean as he is… well, his looks are mean.

“That cop there, is from the reserve. His name is Daniel Chappry.” Carl replied, snapping his fingers to get my attention. A native cop with the last name Chappry? I never thought that Chappry is a native surname… that’s funny. Daniel Chappry was still watching me, and a little smirk began to form on his face. He seems young, maybe 20 or something around that. He looks pretty fit compared to some cops that I’ve run into.

“You know there are tons of people living here that have the surname Chappry.” Carl informed me, as if he read my mind. I stared at him wide eyed and he raised an eyebrow.

“Oh… well… are all the Chappry’s native?” I asked. Carl nodded, slowly walking towards home, away from the cops.

“Daniel Chappry works here now. I know another cop with the last name Chappry… it’s Edward and he’s one of the main cops.” Carl briefly glanced at me.

“Oh cool. I never thought that Chappry is a native name.” I commented, kicking a pebble across the road.

“Well… I already know that.” Carl said, making me dumbfounded. Does this kid read my mind or what? I began to think of Bella… she looked so gorgeous today. Her long dark brown hair, her high cheekbones, her lips… ah.

Carl was giving me the funniest look ever now.

“What!?” I asked, raising my eyebrows.

He smirked, “stop thinking about Bella.” Carl made a kissing noise and I tackled him. He was laughing and I beat him up playfully. We were attracting a bunch of attention, and people were looking out of their windows to see what that entire racket was about.

“Enough boys.” A female cop stopped her car right beside the sidewalk where we were wrestling. What’s up with me and the cops? They must really detest me… maybe they confused me with someone else? I glared at the cop and she smirked and took off her sunglasses.

“Go home.” She commanded and we ran away.

I said goodbye to Carl at his house and headed home. As I was walking down the street, I heard some snickers. I turned around and saw the Maza guys biking straight at me. Louis, Adam and Mazaktah weren’t the only ones there, in fact, there were about seven guys biking; they were blocking the whole street. I shrugged and continued walking home, picking up my pace just a little bit. If they notice that I’m scared, they will probably assault me. But if I play cool, they won’t touch me.

“Hey kid.” Mazaktah called, and I frowned. If he wants my attention, he needs to use my name. I didn’t look back because I was afraid about what I would see. I smelled smoke and I picked up my speed a little more. Unfortunately, the guys caught up to me and circled me; I had no way to get out of their circle.

“What do you want?” I asked calmly, standing tall with my shoulders squared.

“Nothing. I’m Elvis.” One of the guys smirked, lighting a cigarette. I wrinkled my nose and looked behind me. Adam was right next to me so I went closer to the middle. All of the guys were wearing black hoodies and baggy pants… some even wore bandannas and caps.

“Wanna smoke?” Adam asked, holding out a drag. I shook my head and pushed it in his face. He frowned and lit it himself. I sighed…

How am I gonna get home now? I’ll miss the parade tonight…

Suddenly my cellphone rang and I picked it up. “Melvin!? Where are you?” Annie scolded.

“I was at school. Sorry I didn’t tell you. I really need to go.” I hung up and shoved the phone into my pocket. Annie called back but I ignored her and turned my phone off.

“Ok kid… take this.” Mazaktah threw a little bag at me and I caught it, staring at it. It had a fine, crystal powder inside of it. I grimaced, and handed the bag back to him. Several guys burst out laughing and Mazaktah smirked.

“Just use it… it’s really good.” A guy in a bandana said. He wore a necklace and it had an engraved plate on it. I read it and it said “Mac (aka Big Mac)” Mac seemed to be a pretty big guy… he looks very buff and muscular… and his hair is in two braids. I just realized that this is a native gang. Wow…

“No thanks, I think I’ll pass.” I said politely, and an unexpected smile began to form on my face. The guys were surprised that I was smiling, and some of them began to whisper.

“Can you let me leave now?” I asked, checking my watch.

“Why? Give us one reason to let you leave.” Adam demanded.

“Give me a reason for keeping me trapped.” I said. They all just stood there quietly… and Mazaktah pulled out a shiny black pistol.

“Now… give me a reason not to shoot you.” He smirked and the guys were snickering again.

“There are people watching.” I informed him, looking at a window to see if anyone is actually watching. The house seems to be abandoned and there are, in fact, barely any houses here.

Elvis stepped closer to me and grabbed the collar of my shirt. “Now listen kid,” His breath smelled like smoke, “you’re just going to do us a favour and take the drugs!” he said angrily. I winced.

Mazaktah shoved him off of me and spat on the ground.

“You either take the drugs… or…” he smirked again, playing around with the trigger of his gun. I was tempted to dial the cops but who knows what would happen… they may not arrive in time to save me.

I crossed my arms and closed my eyes. I am gonna be stubborn and then they’ll let me go.

They’ll get tired eventually

Instead, the guys began snorting the powder and I couldn’t stand watching them. Gross. They finished the bag in no time, and their eyes became bloodshot. I smirked and pushed past them and walked off. Suddenly Mac and Elvis jumped me and pinned me to the ground. Elvis pulled out a gun and held it right to my forehead. Sweat began to form on my forehead, and I noticed his gloves were wet with sweat too.

Elvis placed his finger on the trigger and smirked.

I hope I wasn’t too bad. Annie and David, Misa and Mavis, I love you.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 03, 2013 ⏰

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