Chapter Four

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When I arrived home, my hair was still dripping and it was evening. The sun was beginning to set, and Annie was standing by the sink, hands on her hips. I gave a sheepish grin, and a small smile began to form out of Annie’s lips. I sighed with relief.

“So…had fun swimming?” She shook her face with a smile, checking out my wet hair. A small pool of water was forming at my feet.

“Yes I did… in fact, I had an audience.” I smirked, walking into the bathroom and shutting the door. I didn’t even give Annie a chance to process what I had just said. Wait till I get out of the shower.

When I returned from the bathroom (I was showering and getting ready for bed), the house was strangely silent. I stood still for a moment and held my breath, hoping I would hear something. I heard nothing; the silence was purely dead.

That’s weird…

I quietly walked over to the shelves, got something to snack on and an apple, and soundlessly scurried up the stairs. Annie doesn’t like me snacking on food before bedtime. But since I didn’t have supper, I’ll have a legit excuse if I get caught. But the second floor was just as oddly quiet as the first floor, so I didn’t need to worry much.

Just as I was finishing up my food, I heard a crash and a scream. I jumped up and hastily ran down the stairs, taking a flight of three steps at a time. The house was still oddly empty, so I rushed out on the porch, my eyes wide with worry.

Everyone was standing in the yard, staring at me like I’m psycho. What on the face of this earth is going on!? Suddenly, Mavis and Misa burst out laughing, and soon everyone else was too. I narrowed my eyes with fury, still confused and dazzled about what had just happened.

“What’s wrong Melvin? You look a little bit ticked off.” Mavis grinned, stroking her wet tank top. I noticed that her stomach was wet, and so were everyone’s shorts. Misa even had wet hair and water dripping off her nose.

As I stared at everyone, the confusement slowly began to fade. They were having a water balloon fight… without me. That ticked me off a little more, but I decided to shrug it off and just join them. I grabbed a balloon from the large tub and began to chase Annie. David got me on my back, and I realized I was wearing a clean shirt. I took off my shirt and shorts and ran around in my boxers.

I really hope the neighbors aren’t watching

I got Annie and Mavis multiple times, and I even managed to get David wet one time too. We were all having so much fun… just like a real family.


No way! They aren’t… they aren’t related to me in any means! I can’t call Annie and David family…adopted family or guardians is alright, but not…family.

I sat down on the grass and sighed. I wish Mother and Father would’ve loved us so much that they would quit drinking. If they truly cared, they would’ve changed their habits and raised us as happy kids with a bright future. There is a lot of opportunities for a good life on the reserve…if only the whole family was sober. A tear rolled out of my eye, but it probably just looked like the water dripping from my hair. Why did I take a shower? I obviously wasted a bunch of water by doing so.

“Hey Mel, are you coming?” Mavis tugged my arm. I realized that it was getting awfully dark and everyone had left except for me and Mavis. Mavis is always there for me, no matter what. Although my little sisters can be annoying, I know that they really love me and I love them too.

When we walked inside, Mavis asked me to come into her room. By the time I got myself cleaned up and walked inside her room, she was in bed, waiting for me. The light was off, and I didn’t bother switching it on.

I sat down on my bed and noticed the huge grin on Mavis’ face. “Melvin…I wanna tell you something very very special. But don’t tell anyone, ok?” Mavis tried to hide her big, mischievous grin. I shot her a quick suspicious glance, but nodded.

“Ok…” she sighed, “I really like this boy named Daryl. I think he’s just the best looking guy ever. He looks even better than Carl.” She grinned and covered her face with her blanket. I grinned too, and covered my mouth.

“Seriously? Wow… that’s nice. I mean… how old is he?” I asked, still trying to hold back a chuckle. Mavis stuck her head out and replied, “I think he is twelve or thirteen.” She giggled and I saw her white teeth in the moonlight.

“Oh, interesting…isn’t he a bit old?” I raised an eyebrow at her. She didn’t reply.

“Where’d you find him?” I was getting really curious. Maybe Carl knows him?

“Umm… well Misa and I were walking by the school one day when they had break and I saw him. He was with his friends and they called him Daryl.” She grinned. I smiled back, “so… is he Native?” I asked, holding my breath in suspense.

To make things worse, Mavis gave me a smirk and pretended to think. I bet I’m going to pass out if she’s not replying within a few seconds.

“Yes… yes he is!” She smiled and I breathed out a huge sigh.

“Well, approach him, get to know him, marry him and have a happy life.” I said, getting up to leave. Mavis threw a pillow at me and I chuckled.

“Don’t tell Mom or Misa! And don’t you dare tell Carl! I still love him!” She warned me and I chuckled again. Carl knows that Mavis really ‘loves’ him. She told him she does, and she wrote him a long love letter. Carl doesn’t really feel the same, but maybe that will change…he is too old though.

That night when I went to bed, I had difficulty getting to sleep. First, I was thinking of Mavis marrying Carl and him giving me a regretful look. Then, I imagined myself being an uncle… whoa.

After that, I began thinking of Bella… why does she have to be so beautiful!? I can’t like a girl that is my best friend’s sister! If Carl finds out… I am going to be a mouse in a trap. With my head stuck in, of course.

The next morning I woke up at a descent time, which made me quite relieved. I did my school as usual and I actually had less difficulty with math than last time. Mavis and Misa played tag with me, and after that, I practically bore myself to death. I was so bored that I was imagining myself getting hanged on a tree and surviving. I am so glad Annie can’t read my evil little brain. I think I am going somewhere tomorrow.

“Melvin, Carl is calling you!” Annie smiled, standing on the porch. I was outside and I ran to grab the phone.

“Hey!” I said and Carl immediately shot out like a rocket… I mean, he was talking so fast I could hardly catch up!

Wow, he’s excited

“Ok, ok Carl! Umm…so what’s your plan?” I asked. He began by slowly telling me that he could skip school tomorrow and we could run out to the parade. The parade happens every summer and fall, and Carl is really fond of it because of the women in fancy dresses. I personally don’t admire women’s look as much as Carl does.

“The parade is coming this weekend again, and it’s even bigger than tomorrow.” I told Carl, hoping he would understand that I had better plans.

“Then what’s your plan?” he demanded, slightly disappointed.

“I’m coming to school with you.” I smirked as I heard a shocked gasp.

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