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Hi, my name is Alfred F. Jones. I'm just sitting here, completely bored with Arthur fishing in the ocean. I haven't caught a single fish while Mr. Lucky has caught about seven or eight now.

"Arthur." I said, elongating his name. "Can we leave now? I'm bored and I haven't caught anything yet."

"Not just yet, I heard there was this bugger that will be quite the catch and worth a few extra dollars for us. I've heard from previous fishermen who were here say that their fishing poles were broken or their boat almost tipped over. I'd love to see the looks on their faces when I catch 'em."

"If you have a cheap pole and a pretty lame fishing boat, while they have high-class shit, how are you going to catch it?"

"Oh shush Alfred, people can dream and actually able to catch something you know."

"Not me." He looked over and saw my pole beginning to tug, smiling.

"I think you might have something there." I looked and my pole went straight down, almost pulling my rod out of my hands. I yanked at the pole and set a foot onto the side of the boat, standing up and yanking as hard as I could.

"Are fish this hard to pull in?" I yelled, beginning to be pulled forward while Arthur began to pull me back.

"No! I think you caught a big one! Or the bugger I was talkin' about! Pull left!" I pulled my rod to the left, the line moving to the right. I began to tip over the boat while Arthur was screaming in my ear, telling me to just let go and forget about it.

Guess he forgot how stupid I could be most of the time.

"Alfred!" I fell off the boat, letting go of the fishing pole and embracing the short breath I could take into the salty ocean. I opened my eyes and saw the pole slowly move downwards, going deeper into the ocean. I swam up and coughed, rubbing my eyes and looking for Arthur.

"Hang on! I have a life preserver here, where the bloody hell did I put it?" He was moving stuff quickly, instead of just reaching his hand out, he took his precious time.

I felt something brush against my foot.

"Arth-" I was pulled down faster than I ever thought I could go, frantically moving my arms around and trying to see what was getting a hold of me. A shark maybe? But there's nothing, no blood, no pain, nothing except the stinging in my lungs from the lack of oxygen.

I saw Arthur jump in and quickly swim towards me, reaching an arm out and fear in his eyes.

I kicked as hard as I could to the thing that was holding onto me, kicking and kicking until I tried to breathe, water filling my lungs and my vision blurring from the oxygen loss. Arthur continued to swim to me, probably losing some as well. I looked down, my left foot numb from the grasp.

What is it that's grabbing me? I couldn't see anything. I felt a hand grab mine as I slowly began to collapse.

The last breath I had was gone, far gone. My eyes began to close and I was pulled up, the force letting go as night took over.

"Alfred! Alfred are you here?" I blinked a few times and coughed, spitting out water and breathing heavily. "Thank God you're alright, I have been giving you CPR for a good hour now, I thought I lost you." I coughed a bit more, spitting onto the boat.

"Yea yea, I'm fine."

"Fine? You drowned and almost died! I don't think you're fine all of a sudden." I looked at him, his eyes full with tears as he smiled. "Idiot." I sat up and patted his head, hugging him as I felt warmer with the small heat he produced.

"You know, it isn't a good idea to just sit like this in the cold."

"I know, I know. Let's just call it for a day. Let me drop you home." We sat up and he opened his bookbag, tossing a blanket at me and starting the boat.

"Aren't you going to get a blanket?" No responce, I sat down besides him and watched the water begin to seperate into seperate directions, land slowly growing from a dot.

I have to figure out what pulled me down the easy way.. or the hard way.


Sooooo sorry for this shitty prolouge ;-; I couldn't really figure out how to start this story, but I promise iit gets waaaayyy better ;D see you beautiful peeps next Friday!

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