Finding Out

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      "Ay tell Ramello  to find out where Angela and Vianne live." "Already got it boss,here you go 1798 Rosedell Lane and 3455 Rich Ground blvd them bitches livin large man."said Ramello  "Not for long". "Umm Dell do you know where they at?" "Vianne is at home and Angela is at a law firm downtown on Mark Ave ." I gave Ramello a picture of Angela and Dell a picture of Vianne. "Bring them to me you have 48hrs both of you."


        Man Justice gave me a picture of  Vianne Lord shawty had curves for days ass, hips,lips,thighs and a face like a goddess. "I wanted her for myself but I have to maintain loyal to justice he was like my family, my brother. "Justice, let my holla at you for a second". "What's up man?" Asked Justice  "I can't get her for you." "Why man what's wrong you, you my best man?" "Man I feel if I get shawty I might do some things to her man Im still a man Jay." "Do what you gotta do man I trust you but get her I don't care how do it."

Vianne <P.O.V>

       I was at home waiting on Kelvin to come home. I had took a bath,brushed my teeth with strawberry flavored toothpaste. I curled my hair and lotioned up with my Japanese cherry blossom. I had on my black bra and boy shorts also my red rode with my black red bottoms. I went downstairs because I heard the door opened.

"Baby I have been waiting on you all night." I turn with my back toward the door and I slowly slid down the robe." I felt him walk up on me and it felt different he didn't say a word. "I changed it up I hope you like it babe you not talking. "Shhh I just want to hold you." He whispered

Even he whispered different he held my waist and I felt my head on his chest. His hands went to every spot like he was exploring for the first time. His hands squeezed my breast and down to my thighs. "I tried turning around but his hands wouldn't let me. All of a suddenly I felt scared my voice began to crack. "Are you my husband?" "No baby girl." I tried to move but then I realized that his hands where still on my breast. "Can you please remove your hands?" Tears fell from my eyes I never let another man touch me at all I'm to devoted to him. "You are so beautiful and sexy." His voice caused me to shiver. He kissed me from my neck to my back. "Please stop." He turned me to face him. Before I could see his face tears fell and I blacked out.

Dell <P.O.V>

           I kissed her from her neck to her back. "Please stop."she said  I  turned her to face me. Before she  could see my face tears fell and she  blacked out. Shawty fine and OMG if I was her husband I would be on that everyday. Well I guess it's time to take her to Justice. I picked her up and put her robe back on her and put her in the car.

Kelvin <P.O.V.>

   I stayed out with the fellas until 10:25 I already know Vianne was going to torch my ass. I pulled up at the house and went inside. "Baby come down here I want to talk to you baby." She didn't answer I searched the whole house no where to be found. I called the whole family and know one saw or heard from her. What the hell is going on.

Ramello <P.O.V>

     I got Angela coming out of the law firm. Justice had us put them in different rooms. Vianne was in the purple diamond room and Angela was in the pink cotton candy one. "Boss you gonna go in their?" "No image let them sweat a lil more."

Three days later

Justice <P.O.V>

     "Remember me Vi?" She nodded her head yes. "If you pull any stupid shit you gonna pay and I'm not playing Vi." "What do you want from me Justice?" "You know I had my eyes on you since grade school and high-school, Kelvin just had to get in the middle he stole you from me." "I was in love with him he didn't steal me Justice."

I looked at her licking my lips. "You sure did fill out in all the right places."I said admiring her breast. I set her up on the bed but let her hands stay tied behind her back. I untied her robe and she turned away so I untied the rope if her hands. "If you try anything I will kill you!" I slid her robe off her skin and put it in the corner of the room. I pushed her back on the bed and slipped her boy shorts off. She covered her face with her hands and started crying. "What you crying for you wasn't crying when that nigga was hittin it." "He's my husband." Just hearing that pissed me off so I pointed the gun to her pussy. "How about now?" "Please don't do this Justice you do this." She cried I kissed her neck and down to her honeyhome she tasted just like honey nectar. "Justice please stop." She tried running and that ticked me off. I ramed my dick in her making her scream and try to run but I held her in place. "God no Jesus help me." She screamed  she was so tight and raw but I didn't care.  Please help me.

Angela <P.O.V>

      I heard a woman scream as he raped her. I was so afraid I couldn't move he's been in their for five hours straight. He screamed like that was his first nut in a life time. I couldn't here the women anymore than the door opened. "Justice." "You know what you did so I don't need to talk to you." He graded my skirt ripping it off and he went right in me. "Please no I'm sorry I'm so sorry." I cried but he didn't stop. I couldn't say or move not one inch until he left the room and I grabbed the pillow and cried. I was so relieved he didn't hit me in my stomach I rubbed my stomach thinking of my baby growing inside of me."Mommy gonna get you out of here I promise."


     I laid there unable to move off of the bed. I looked at the mirror on the ceiling and saw myself. My hair everywhere and my bra ripped I have to get out of here. I went to the bathroom and saw clothes hair products and more. I put my hair in a pony tail and put on some clothes. My body was hurting and so was my private. "You ready for me baby girl?" His voice alerted my ears. I closed the door and looked for a way out no window no escape. "I'm not going to play with you don't make me come in their." I heard the keys in the door and it opened. "Please no more please." "Oh baby girl this only the beginning." He unbuttoned his pants and his erection sprung up. He grabbed me bringing me to the bed. I struggled to get up "No no no help help me!" A man came in, "Justice, man look I know you doing your thing but she to loud." "Man look I have some business to take care of so why don't you handle this one." "Man I can't." "Dell just do it."


   I heard shawty all the way down the hall. I had to go in there. "No no no help help me!" I walked in and they look at me as i came in, "Justice, man look I know you doing your thing but she to loud." "Man look I have some business to take care of so why don't you handle this one." "Man I can't." "Dell just do it." I looked at shawty and she was terrified. He walked out and I sat on the bed she moved to the top of the bed and balled up. "Look baby girl I know you're scared but I just want to talk." "Was it you that touched me that night?" She asked "Yes it was me." I got up and went to the closet and pulled out a purple and pink bra set. "Put it on." She through it back at me and that pissed me off. I pulled the gun out and she went to the bathroom. When she came out I had no control over myself.

She cried as I touched her she tried to squeeze her legs together but I pulled them apart. I pulled the underwear off and started going to work. "Please stop I don't want to." She whispered "Either you gonna give it to me or I'm gonna take it but I will have you."I said as a tear dropped from her eye. I put to fingers inside and started to go in and out. She tried running but I held her in place. I went deep inside and started pushing every button I knew she had.


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