Pt 4. Aleena

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Recap to ch 3. I'm so afraid
Norma is puzzled as she begins to sees things in the fireplace. Strange events are starting to occur in the house
Wayne is  terrified as he chased down by the spirit.
Norma has had enough

Ch 4 aleena

Wayne recieved a call as usual he thought it was the stalker but was surprised to hear a women on the other line
Yeah who is this.
My name is Aleena tikes

Wayne was in shock and felt sick he sat down as he asked Aleena tikes what he can do for her Ms Aleena tikes what can I do for you
Dont play fool with me mr. Wayne I know what you did and I know you
were sending for me. I'll be there in a hour She hung up the phone. And Wayne was upset And looked over to. Norma. She will be here in an hour. How the heck she know that I wanted to see her.   Who. Wayne. Who was that on the phone. Wayne looked at. Norma. And. Said. Jeremiah tikes. Granddaughter Norma. Had a shocked expression. On her face as she put her fingers in her mouth and began biting her nails. But how. Wayne I don't understand It doesn't matter now. she will be here in an hour But why.What does she want She told me she knew what I did And not to play a fool.
Oh wayne we gotta leave you can't face her. And what sort of

Witchery is this

She's playing obviously she's the one That's been stalking you As the mins
passed. Wayne and Norma paced and smoked and watch the clock Brutus layed in front of the door
5 mins to the hour Norma sat and was biting her nails. Wayne paced. When suddenly they starting to hear the laughing of a women. Non stop. The louder the laughter became. The more paranoid Norma became She started to become hysterical. Wayne tried to calm her and the laughing continued as he held Norma. He slapped her The laughing stopped The room became very still as a shadow moved toward them wayne looked around to see what made the shadow of a woman but nothing was there.  A cup flew off the table and hit the fireplace the fireplace lit up and  Norma screamed. Wayne held Norma and told her it isn't real the room was still as everything in the room began to go back to normal
Norma was in shock
Norma. Norma.
Norma screamed a loud and terrifying-scream . And then fainted wayne carries her to the couch
The phone rings wayne stares at the Phone as it keeps ringing he didn't want to answer it as he paces rubbing his head and looking at Norma.
This is insane he looked out the window. And thru the door window the phone continued. To ring and ring ring ring and ring. He finally picked it up. He listened. I've arrived on time It hangs up wayne Sits on the couch next to Norma till morning

Norma  wakes up and finds Wayne's passed out and brutus at his feet Wayne Wayne. He wakes up and his head is throbbing. Norma felt sick and ran to the bathroom and began to vomit. Wayne followed. Are you ok
Yes. I am. I cant stand this wayne. Why didn't she come like she said she did.
Wayne looked at Norma. And said. She did. She was on time to
Norma's expression. Of fright as she looked at Wayne thru the bathroom mirror
What! What Do  you mean? the screaming! Oh wayne! That can't be. This is some kind of a joke someone is trying to scare us

It begins to get very cold in the bathroom the mirror begins to fog. And right before Norma's eyes. On the mirror. She sees a face. She screams wayne looks up and sees  the face of Jeremiah tikes as she approached the mirror the face diminished he wiped the mirror. He and Norma look at each other as he holds Norma near.
And says to Norma.
This isn't going to go away. They know and I have to figure out how to get away.

As the day went on Norma cleaned up and Wayne carried stuff to the car Norma thought about what Richie told her about someone out there watching. She decided to tell Wayne about Richie and he followed her Wayne was a bit angry but he can see Norma Was being honest about it and very concerned And decided to go check out the shed Norma explained how she owed him money and she gave Him a check and he stayed the night because it was so late. Wayne understood and said. You should've told me Norma. As they walk to the shed they can see the old Door  half way open it was very windy and a lot of high grass. Squirrels playing. In the tree next to the shed. Norma looked around as she walked next to Wayne. She reached out for his arm and got close she was very afraid. Wayne held her hand dont worry. . Well look real quick.
Wayne I'm just so scared my nerves are so shocked and I'm exhausted
Well take a break so you can take a nap.
As they approached the shed it smelled and cold rush passed them brutus lead the way.   as Wayne pushed open the shed door. Norma held
herself feeling Cold
Wayne why haven't you tended to this shed. Whats in here. And why is door so damaged. My parents used this shed to store jam. My mom had it so filled and insecure. The neighborhood kids would steal all of it and go sell it in the town market. So my dad decided to build her one next to the house. And this shed was just left like this for years.
I don't understand Richie said he was out cold for hours And he was bleeding oh wait see wayne. There some bloody rags. I told you.
But why did he run and not come back. Richie is a young naive kid I met. At a work Ever since he's been a lost puppy I would hire him to do a few things at the salon and the house. Not that he needed the money But he just always seem to be around. He had a bit of a crush
Now look Norma I don't care about the entanglement you were in but if he were a real friend he would've came back. Wayne he was in love with me and I told him I was coming back to you It's been months since I spoke to him. I promised I'd pay him and I just Left So he finally Found me and-followed me here. Ok Norma. I get it you don't have to explain plus I heard about the boy on the bike that you kept company with. How Did you know. I did miss you so I did go by here and there just when I was about to knock on the door. I hear a motor bike so I left. Oh wayne. Ah Norma were here now. Let's just forget it He held Norma tight and kissed her forehead Norma held him and felt so safe. She missed him so much.
Suddenly the shed door swung open and a strong breeze entered the shed. It got really cold Norma said Wayne let's go back to the house
They rushed out and headed back to the house as norma looked back at the shed she stood in a shock and shivered Norma. What is it. Norma shivered as she pointed towards the shed. She didn't say a word. Wayne looked up and there stood a figure. Of a woman in black clothing a hat and a wicked face

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