Ch 15. I was right norma

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Ch 15
I was right Norma.

Recap to ch 14
Norma and Wayne continued to. Experience. Strange occurrences.
Nor ma finds the earring. And Wayne reveals to Norma he found it near the site where Justin died
Olivia is  in the house and Wayne is surprised by Ms Shelley sudden arrival.

Ch 15
I was right Norma

Wayne enters the. Dining room. Expecting to just see. Olivia but he's surprised When he he sees. Ms Shelly standing over Olivia. As she sat in front of the fireplace. He quickly notice. The chemistry He wass still  in disbelief of the  entanglement
Norma   Told him about.
He quickly Fixed his shirt Wiped his hand on his pants and approached The 2 women  and shook their hands He notices. Olivias Hands  were a little dirty
Ms Shelley clears her throat
And ask where is Norma.

And Norma Hope shes feeling well.
Yes she's in the kitchen preparing. Tea
Oh here she is
Norma walks in and has a surprised look on her face when she sees Ms Shelley.
Oh Ms Shelly what a surprise.  I'll go get. Another cup.
As she placed the tray on the coffee table She looked at Wayne with a confused look on her face. Wayne smiled snd  began to serve Olivia Some tea 
Norma came back with a fresh cup And  served Ms Shelly
Wayne and  Norma sat down next to each other and Norma  and wayne starting to ask at the same time. 
Wayne totally asked in his way. So what do you want. And Norma asked As she knudged   Wayne with her elbow So ladies what can we do for you
Ms Shelley laughs. As she massaged olivias. Shoulders
Olivia smiled as she sipped her tea.
We're just visiting. Can't  old friends visit   Now why  so bitter Wayne We don't want anything. Well not really

Oh. Really
Norma replied
Well Norma we been thinking.
Wayne  we'd a like a word with Norma if you don't mind
Well actually I do mind. Norma quickly got  up and placed her hands on Wayne's chest Oh No Wayne it's ok. No Norma. It's not ok.
Oh sorry if we hit a nerve. Wayne.
A nerve You've done more then hit a nerve You know. I know about your little entanglement.
Ms Shelley looked at Norma and olivia got up She slightly wrapped her arms around ms Shelley waist. And kissed her on the cheek.
Ms Shelley was surprised  and looked at olivia.
Olivia said oh it's ok. Hun. He knows Wayne I'm so sorry. I did love Justin so much

Well Olivia. It's none of my business
But  Justin was a very close friend
Well the reason we're here is we  would like to rent a room from you for a few weeks. You see Wayne.
Wayne. Mrs Shelley interrupts Olivia.
I'm renovating. You see Olivia is moving in and I'd like to make the house a little more comfortable
Norma and Wayne look at each other
Well Ms Shelley I don't think that's a good idea. Can't you go to a hotel
Oh Wayne. Norma interrupts
Wayne I think it's a good idea
Wayne looks at Norma in a bit of confusion
Let's talk about it in the kitchen Wayne
Wayne snd Norma go into the kitchen
Norma are you crazy
Wayne didn't you want me to  rekindle the friendship snd this way I can  watch them and figure out what's really going on they been acting very strange since Justin died
Oh ok Norma.
They walk into the living room  and see Olivia slumped over by the fireplace.
Ah what's going on
Oh I dropped something that's all
Well we agreed  for you to rent a room now mind you this isn't a hotel motel spot so you ladies can take care of yourselves
Wayne walks away and goes upstairs. Norma says well come on I'll show you a room I'm so sorry I wouldn't even rent it  but you know Wayne
Yes we sure do  know him
They all giggle and go upstairs

Later that night.
Wayne lights the fireplace. And looks around he notices  some scratches. Like words he begins to check it snd wonders why is Olivia so intrigued with the fireplace
They have dinner snd they all call it a night.
As Wayne was getting into bed he tells Norma about the scratches like if some one was trying to scribble something
Wayne your suspicions I don't know Are you suspecting Ms Shelley and Olivia  of something
I'm not sure Norma just strange  that's all.
Snd that earring looks familiar to me.
I'll look around when they leave to the house. Ms Shelley says their going to go pick a few more things

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