Ch 12 suspicions

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Recap to ch 11. The fight continues

Wayne is woken up by a phone call from Norma, who informs him about strange events at the hospital involving Olivia, who is mysteriously "crippled." Wayne experiences unsettling events in his house, including hearing moaning and cries, the piano playing on its own, and encountering the ghostly figure of Aleena Tikes, who accuses him of murdering her grandfather.

Wayne began to feel there was

more happening here than what he thought he realized that if he

didn't get it together he would lose his mind

His imagination was getting the best of him.
All this paranormal crap
phone calls-
from the grave.
Spirits wandering the halls.
He was in disbelief even after everything he  witnessed.
Wayne felt a suspicion
He suspected everyone even Norma he felt hurt even to admit it to him self

He knew that his land and home was worth  millions he was so blinded by everything that was happening 
could someone be after his fortune
He thought of Norma how she just happen to show up after the first call that night.
And how she brought 
ms Shelley  and ms Shelley new everything about Jeremiah tikes

Wayne continued thinking about the events. And everyone involved but he couldn't explain the  figure in the woods the voice on the phone how Justin happen to be found just steps away from the house after he saw him drive off
with Olivia.
And Olivia being found unable to  talk or want to walk. 
Wayne paced around his den it was cold that night so he decided to get some wood.
Brutus followed  as he was collecting  wood
he can hear in the distance the sounds of owls
and the  swooshing sounds of the wind
As he turned around  he heard the crumbling of leaves behind him.
Brutus began to growl he turned to look. And was startled to see

sheriff Perez
Wayne. Sorry I startled you
What are you doing here sheriff Perez.
I came by to check things over see if everything was ok I was doing my rounds and passed by I hope that's ok with you Wayne

Uh sure but next time  just call you seem to be startling me a little to often
Oh I'm sorry just a cop thing you know. Yeah. Uh a cop. Thing
Uh yeah I know well is there anything else   You need sheriff 
Wayne said as he held the heavy logs in his arms.

These things are kinda heavy I'll be going inside now.
Oh sure Wayne don't let me. Bother you I'll just be on my way
Uh sure sheriff you do that

Goodnight Wayne.
Uh Yeah. Goodnight sheriff Perez

As Wayne entered the house he looked over to sheriff Perez and wondered why he always manages to be around when you don't need him

Brutus barked at Perez. And wayne whistled for him
Perez waved. As he got into the squad car

Wayne put down the wood and. Leaned on the   Column  as he lit a cigarette. He watched sheriff Perez drive away Slowly
He can see Perez just looking thru the rear view mirror Wayne waved.
And sheriff Perez. Speeded up and drove away
Wayne felt like he was being suspected of Justin's death  or watched because of it.  As he stood there smoking. His cigarette. It began to get very windy leaves flying everywhere
Wayne thought about how he has to get the lawn  mowed and cleared of all the leaves.
As he watched the leaves. Fly around he thought he saw in the distance a  figure by the big oak trees
He quickly. Glanced and began to look around. And decided to walk towards the woods. To see what it was he saw  Brutus walked ahead of him. He watched Brutus reaction to see if he sensed anything or heard anything. Brutus  paused for a second and his ears shot up straight into the sky.
Wayne new something was there. Wayne grabbed Brutus by collar before he ran to see what it was   He. Guided Brutus back to  the front steps quickly and went into the house. Wayne's heart was pounding. As he felt eyes on him. Brutus tried to free himself of Wayne's grip. To run back to the woods but Wayne quickly shut the door  Wayne  then looked out the window to see if he could see anything

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