Pt 2. The arrival

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Recap to ch 1.
Wayne was in shock to get a call from a familiar voice. He found a dirty rag on Brutus that  looked familiar and reminded him of the mistake he made a year ago   Wayne is startled when he sees a shadow  in his living room

Ch 2 the arrival
As he turned to see who was there. The lights came on, what he saw sitting disappeared. He looked up. And was startled by the face he saw standing there looking at him.
What's wrong, darling. It's me. Norma, what's going on. Why do you have a gun? Norma, what are you doing here I thought you were never coming back. And how did you get in?
Well, hi to you to I can see how much you missed me as she grabbed a cigarette. And lit it she sat down and looked at him in a very Curious way My own key remember.
Why are you here Norma? I came to see you Our last meet left me in a worry I sensed something wasn't right I'm ok I was just startled I heard noises So I grabbed the gun I could've shot you Norma You.
Oh, no you won't Mister Now look I'm going thru some shit we need to talk. What Now Norma I got a weird call after our last meet it was a strange man on the phone he Said he knew everything and was coming for you.
What. What are you saying? He called you to
Wayne I'm scared last year when you came home Wayne
I told you to never mention that ever.
But Wayne In a frighten voice Wayne someone knows I told you Someone Is searching
look Norma. I was careful I'm sure of it Then who is this person coming to get You.
What else did he say to you Norma? He said he knows he knows about everything I just hung up what do we do? Wayne. Let's leave Wayne Now look Norma you left me 6 months ago now your back cause your scared leave me alone Its nothing I'll take care of it Wayne have you checked.
Have you checked Wayne?
Wayne looks up at Norma and says I went there, but I can't tell I'll have to go back.
Suddenly the phone rings, Norma is startled and drops the cigarette. Wayne looks at the phone Norma says don't answer it. Wayne Don't.
Wayne answers the phone.
A deep breath and a gruntle. The voice on the other line Says
Wonderful. You're both together exactly the way I want it.

Leave me alone. Stop this. Who are you?
Wayne was loosing it he had a mad look in his eyes that night ran thru his mind over and over for a year he pretended it never happened as he held the phone in his hands. The room was spinning around. And he was sweating, his heart was beating rapidly. Norma watched him and called out to him. Wayne Wayne. But Waynes mind was gone Norma continued until he yelled out a horrible scream Wayne. Oh god, Wayne. Wayne dropped to his knees I'm losing my mind
Norma helped him up. He sat down on the couch Norma gave him a drink of vodka
Wayne. What the hell is wrong with you leave me alone. Leave me alone. Norma poured another drink. Drink it. You'll need it Hun Wayne drank the vodka. And thought if I hadn't gone out drinking that night. He then threw the cup hitting the door. Norma sat there and watched him slowly Go insane.

Norma. Walked away slowly. As she watched him doze off Brutus sat near Wayne and growled at Norma. That awful dog she thought
As she entered the kitchen she was startled and was grabbed from behind as she was spunned around. Oh. Huh. What are you doing here Richie
A tall blonde young man with blue eyes stared down at her.
You owe me some money Norma Why did you follow me i told you i was coming back to him He's in the other room.
she pushes him away. You have to leave Ritchie. Aww Norma. Its late. I'm not leaving    Plus I need my money. Fine you can stay. But leave in. the morning theres a bed in the attic u can sleep there And here's your check. You better be gone before wayne gets up You ain't sticking me up there. Ill be just fine down here with you.

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