09 // "I Found A Body"

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Isaac Lahey:

October 17th

-Late Morning-

Finally it's the weekend. I had woken up around eleven-ish and I jumped in the shower. After I showered and dried off I got dressed. I went down stairs to make me some waffles. I'm supposed to go to Scott's later today to play some video games.


I leave my house and head to Scott's house. I brought some games with me. I think we are going to play Fallout 4 I'm not to sure. I finally arrive at Scott's house. I think Stiles is supposed to join us but I don't know if he is. Scott let's me in and I go up to his room to sit down my stuff.

"Hey is Stiles come over too?" I asked Scott.

"No he had something he had to do tonight." He replied.

"Oh okay." I reply.

-Late At Night-

*Scott texting Stiles*

"SCOTT!" Stiles texted.

"What? What's Wrong?" Scot replies.

"I FOUND A BODY!" Stiles replies.

"Like A Dead Body?" Scott asked.

"YES! WHAT ULSE!" Stiles replies.

"Okay, Okay. Where are you?" Scott asked.


"Okay I'm on my way" Scott replies.


*Scott talking to me*

"We got to go." Scott says to me.

"Why what's wrong?" I ask.

"Stiles found a dead body!" Scott says.

"Really? Where?" I say.

"Yes really and in the woods where we found the Nemeton that one time." Scott replies.

"Okay let's go!" I say.


"Stiles are you okay?" Scott ask him.

Stiles runs up to Scott and gives him a huge bear hug.

"Scott I'm so glad your here!" Stiles says.

"So, where's the body?" I ask.

"Over there!" Stiles points to his left.

All of us walk towards it and there was blood all over the body. It was a girl. A teenage girl.
Scott calls the police. They arrive and ask Stiles some questions. Stiles dad is the Sheriff so he knows Stiles didn't do it. He knows Stiles just wanders and sometimes he finds things he doesn't want to find. After all this Sheriff Stilinski takes Stiles home and he watches him. Scott and I go back to his house.

"Okay Scott I'm gonna head home." I say.

"No you are not. It's to late for you to be going home. You can crash here tonight, you can barrow some of my clothes if you want to. I'll order us some pizza." He replies.

"Okay. Hey thanks man I'm glad I finally made a friend!" I reply.

"No problem now just make yourself at-home." He says.

The pizza arrives and Scott and I eat and then we played some video games then we just passed out. We I was falling asleep I kept thinking about Stiles hoping he was okay. Then I just passed out.

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