03 // "Do You Like Him?"

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Scott McCall:

September 21st

-Early Morning-

I still can't believe that Isaac Lahey is the other werewolf on the lacrosse team. Ever since then we talk a little more than we did before. For some reason I haven't stopped thinking about him.

I run down stairs to grab an orange to eat before I head off to school. I grab my backpack and grabbed the keys to my motorbike, and head to school.


I arrive at school and Stiles isn't there yet. I always beat him to school. I walk into school and I'm about halfway down the hall before Stiles comes running down the hall and pats me on the shoulder. He always does that and I don't know why.

*Scott and Stiles Talking*

"Hey, Scotty!" Stiles says.

"Hey, Stiles!" I reply.

"What's Up?" Stiles asks.

"Nothing much, I just can't stop thinking about Isaac." I answer.

"Like how he is the other werewolf on the lacrosse team?" Stiles questioned.

"Not exactly." I reply.

"Do you like him?" Stiles asks, with on confused look on his face.

"Maybe." I simply reply.

"Maybe? When will you know for sure?" Stiles questioned.

"I don't know, now can we stop with the 21 questions?" I asked.

"Yeah, sorry dude just really curious this morning." Stiles replies.

"It's okay." I reply.

-After Game Practice-

I'm in the middle of changing when I catch a glimpse of Isaac shirtless and for some reason my stomach knotted up.

"Do I like him?" I thought to myself.

"Nah." I say.


I'm home about to get ready for bed and all I can think about is Isaac shirtless and when I do I get this biggest smile on my face.

"I might like him." I say to myself.

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