05 // "Are You Staring At Me?"

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Isaac Lahey:

September 30th

-Beginning Of School-

I walk threw the front doors of school and today I don't want to be here because we have a big test in Physics. I was walking to my class when I run into Scott, Stiles, Lydia, and Allison. I stop to chat with them for a few moments then I go to Physics. Scott and Stiles have Physics with me, they sit right behind me. After everyone is in the class room the teacher calls out role to make sure everyone is here and all that fun stuff. Then he passes out a worksheet that we have to use our textbooks to fill out. Scott and Stiles team up and I work alone.

"I feel bad for Isaac." Scott says.

"Why?" Stiles asked Scott.

"I feel bad for him because he is working all alone." Scott answers.

"Dude, I'm sure he will survive." Stiles says sarcastically.

"I know but just look how sad he looks." Scott says.

"Scott, stop staring at him." Stiles says.

I feel someone staring at me so I turn around to see who was staring at me.

"Scott, are you staring at me?" I ask Scott.

*Scott snaps out of his day dream*

"Huh, Uhm no." Scott says, trying to cover up that he was staring at me.

"Oh Okay." I say as I shoot him a smile.


I'm getting ready for bed when the image of Scott staring at me pops in my head. All I could do is smile. I fall asleep with the thought of Scott in my head.

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