wizards,teen drama,bad boys,werewolf and a whole lot of other shit! ch.3

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I stormed back to my class. Who did this guy think he was anyways? But... I had to admit he was kinda cute. Oh no, hailey, what in the world are you thinking? Falling for a mortal? And not only that, but a player? hailey, you have lost your mind. I shook my head, entering the class, just as the final bell rang.

At lunch. I promised the secretary I would sit with him at lunch. Even though, I already knew thousands of people, mostly girls, would have already invited him. But I try to keep promises. Always. It wasn't hard finding him. Just look for a crowd of slutty girls, and wala! There he is. Lost in the middle of the crowd. I pushed and shoved until I reached him, then I grabbed his arm and lead him into my table and glared at him.

"I promised the secretary I would sit with you," I talked through my teeth." I don't break promises."

He smirked. "Well I'm sorry to disappoint you, but it looks like today you will be."He was about to walk off.

I reached for his arm and pulled him back roughly, then curled my lip at him." I. do. Not. Break. Promises. YOU HEAR ME?"

He just rolled his eyes. "Oh, I'm so scared. "

I had to admit, he was really getting on my nerves, and before I could stop myself I quickly muttered a spell under my breath to get him to listen to me. I waited for him to get back to reality, but he just stood there with a raised eyebrow. What the fuck? I muttered. Did he just.... Resist my powers? I shook my head. I probably did the spell wrong. I was about to do another when he broke out of my grip.

"Listen to me, I don't have to listen to anybody. Especially not a loser like you."

My mouth dropped. Oh no he did not. Sure, I let the populars tease me, but I usually don't leave them without a fight. So let me tell you what I did to this big mouth. I slapped him. Yes, you heard me. I slapped him, and with my extra powers, I knew it stung like hell. But to my astonishment, I was wrong. Dead wrong.

He didn't hold his cheek and stare at me in shock like I expected him to. I didn't even see the slightest pink of a mark on his cheek. I knew for a fact that it would usually leave a huge, red, mark across the cheek, sometimes even a little blood gushing out. But...

He just curled his lip and growled at me, his whole body shaking with fury. I noticed the whole cafeteria in silence, just staring at us. All the girls with smirks, knowing I would get a taste of his fist. And the boys, well lets just say they were all hiding their smiles.

So I did something I knew I would regret. I walked away, letting him win the fight.

After school, just as I was about to walk out of the building I saw the populars heading my way. I rolled my eyes, knowing they wouldn't let me forget about lunch.hanna walked up and smirked. "Aww, looks like the poor LOSER couldn't stand a little fight." She shook her head with fake sympathy. "I don't blame you sweetie, you would never stand a chance with that hottie. Have you seen his muscles?" All of them slutty girls laughed their fuckin heads off. "You couldn't even leave a tiny scratch on him."

Just back off. I glared at all of them before I left the building. Once I got back home, I checked the date. Friday. I groaned, and rolled my eyes. Totally can't wait for tomorrow for camile to treat me like a guinea pig barbie. She always insisted on giving me a huge make-over. "Oh, you would be the most popular girl in school.Or, you'll look so hot! Or, every guy would be drooling after you!" Bull Shit. Forget it camile. I HATED being treated a like a doll. But in the very pit of my stomach, I knew that tomorrow, things would be a whole lot more different. Not for just me. Oh, no. But for the both of us. I think I was ready to finally try.

wizards,teen drama,bad boys,werewolf and a whole lot of other shit!ch.1Where stories live. Discover now