I'd Die For You, Mom. . .Dad. . .

Start from the beginning

"Don't you dare touch my parents." I warn Shizuka as I see my mom already at my dad's side. I stand before them.

"If you ever hurt anyone that's precious to me I'll forget my morals, and kill you mercilessly." I warn her, but her smile shows that she's not taking me seriously.

"I think it's best for you to listen to me. Especially when your precious family is all here with me." I frown at her. Not succumbing to the possible bait she's setting up for me.

"You don't believe me? I'll show you then. Bring her forth." Shizuka motions for something behind her, and I gasp along with my parents as a heavy vampire brings my sister forth. She's too scared to even move.

"Let her go!" I yell out as another big vampire comes out beside the first one.

"I gave you a chance. You wasted it. Now you'll come to me by force." The other vampire charges at me, and I get in battle ready mode.

"If you fight back your sister will get hurt." I stop, and the vampire body slams me hard. Making my back hit hard against a thick tree. My whole body cracks, but I'm still in one piece, somehow.

I cough out blood that started building up in my mouth. I spit it out, and look up at the vampire that laughs manically as he stands before me.

He reaches for me. His entire hands wraps around my body as he lifts me up. I yell out in pain as he starts to squeeze me. I can hear my bones popping. I'm being crushed alive. I feel my body going numb. I think I just literally broke, and the worst part is that I'm still conscious. I can still feel blood rising up from inside of me, and coming out of my mouth. My vision is getting blurry.

"Zero. . ."


I open my eyes, and wince, closing them again as a bright light hits my eyes.

"Get her to the shade. The sun's going to hurt her." I hear a voice say. I'm too disoriented to be able to tell who it is. I feel someone lift me up. My head drops down at my weak and numb body as I'm moved to the comfort of the shade.

"Hey, Alondra! Wake up! I know you can hear me!" That voice. It's so familiar. Why can't I remember it? I want to talk back, and see them, but I can't open my eyes. I'm conscious, aren't I? I try to move something, but I can't. Not even thinking about moving makes me do it.

I groan as I feel something land on my lips repeatedly. Like water. My lips slightly part, and I feel the liquid drop on my tongue. I feel something warm near my lips. My fangs extend as I recognize the taste of blood, but whose is it? It's so familiar.

I hear a scream as my eyes open, and I grab whatever was put near my mouth. Plunging my fangs in it. My crimson eyes focus on what I bite. I come to my senses as Zero's eyes meet mine. I pull my fangs out of his small forearm, and I put my hands to my mouth.

"I-I'm so sorry!" I say to him as I try to wipe away his blood from around my mouth. I look over him, and find my parents had watched me.

I gulp, and look away from their gazes. Now that I'm back in my five senses I recall what just happened, but I don't know what happened after I passed out. I look around to only find damaged trees, scraped up grass, and a blue sky.

"Wh-what happened?" I question them.

"Zero saved you the moment you had fainted. The girl that had your sister and tried to attack you left." My mom explains to me.

"And my sister?!" I question them looking around for her.

"Yagari-sensei came over when he sensed the danger. He offered to take your sister to the hospital, while your parents waited up for you to wake up." Zero explains to me.

"Shizuka? What about her?" Zero looks at me stunned.

"That was Shizuka?! I thought she was dead!" He says, and I look at him just as surprised that he didn't know.

"Yeah, that was Shizuka, but she told me she was using the body of a relative of hers-"

"Maria Kurenai." He says angrily.

"You know her?" He nods his head.

"Looks like part of her decided to remain with Maria Kurenai then. Now she's coming back for you, but why? What would a pureblood blood do for a simple aristocrat?" Zero questions himself.

"Zero, she doesn't want my blood. She wants my body since hers isn't around anymore." He glares ahead of himself, and I can see the intent in his eyes, so I wrap him in my arms.

"Don't go. Please don't go." I plead with him.


"No, I don't want Kaname in my arms now. He's fine. Right now I want you in my arms. It's cruel I know, but I'm confused. I don't understand what's going on with me. I'm unfamiliar to these feelings. But I know that I'm not indifferent to you. I-I. . ." I slightly pause, and blush. Nodding my head as I make up my mind.

"I think I might love you." He tenses up in my arms.

"But I might love Kaname too. I don't understand the concept very well, so I don't know which feeling is for who. I'm trying to figure it out, so I won't hurt you anymore. Or him." I can feel his heart rate pick up in his chest. I close my eyes, and kiss the top of his head. Leaving my lips pressed there.

"Say what?!" I jump as I realize that my parents are still here. And they heard everything I had to say.

"Uh oh." I blush even brighter, and look over at my parents disapproving gazes.

"Uh, um, d-dad. I know this looks bad, but I promise you this isn't his real body, so things won't be awkward, but I'm making them awkward, so I'll shut up." I gulp, and look away.

"Lets just go to the hospital, and see your sister. We'll talk about all that stuff later, but you're still in major trouble." I cringe, and I receive a sympathy pat from Zero. That doesn't help. I drop my head to my hands, and shake my head.

"It could be worse." I glare over at him.

"Don't say a thing if you're not going to help." I stand up, and crack my knuckles for the heck of it.

"Oh my gosh!" My mom says stunned.

"What?!" I question shielding myself.

"That's unbelievable! Your bones were all broken when you fell, and now look at you! You're standing up in one piece!" She says looking me over.

"Oh, right. That's a perk about being a vampire. I heal fast, even from the most serious of injuries." I say with a wink. My parents look at each other, and smile before surprising me with a hug.

"That is a perk, but don't ever get hurt like that again." My dad says.

"Sorry, but I can't make that a promise. Since the day I was born you guys have taken care of me and protected me, so now it's my turn. Even if I have to die for you, mom and dad." Their grip on my tightens, and they say no more. They know they won't convince me.

I smile, and look over at Zero, who still won't meet my eyes since he's still blushing. I guess he's happy to know that I love him, but I'm also sure that he's pissed that I feel that way towards Kaname too. Looks like I need to focus on Shizuka again before I get to my love triangle issue.

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