Answer Me This.....

Start from the beginning

"Sorry... you want me to do what?!" Damon seem really stunned while he was looking down at me. I don't know why it all seemed like a surprise to him, I mean he must have had the thought run through his mind before.

"I want you to turn me, I want to....." Damon moved off me swiftly and began to pace. I got off the bed and approached him "Damon?" He stopped and looked at me he looked like he was freaking out "I didn't expect you to behave like this" Damon clench his jaw he still hadn't spoken a word. What was his problem? "Damon what...." he cut me off.

"Siena are you listen to yourself!" He raised his voice at me I felt my jaw drop I never expect him to react like this. I thought he would be happy that I wanted to turn so I could be with him forever.

"What wrong with me wanting to be immortal like you" I tried to keep my tone calm, I didn't want to have a full blown argument with him about this actually when I thought to ask him I never thought he would have reacted like this. I walked over to him and placed my hands on his chest and looked up into his eyes "Damon I want to be by your side forever" Damon began to frown he moved my hands from his chest and walked over to the living room. Geez I didn't expect this at all what the hell is his problem?

"You're not thinking straight Siena" He poured himself a scotch and drained it, I'm thinking perfectly fine "We don't know what it would mean turning you" I began to approach him "Siena please" he held out his hand. I felt a lump building up in my throat I genuinely thought he would be happy to turn me.

"So what are you telling me Damon, you were never planning on turning me?" I forced myself to hold back my tears. I weren't going to show him that him denying to turn me hurt this much.

"Siena I know what you did to Bonnie!" I felt the blood flush away from my face "I didn't want to bring it up but Siena but you're not in control already because of you being a dimidium sanguinis and now you want me to turn you into a vampire?!" He began to pace again. If he knew about Bonnie why didn't he say anything?

"If you knew why didn't you say?" He stopped pacing and looked directly at me.

"Because when I found you Siena you were broken. You were torn up about Blair and..." He turned away from me "And Jeremy told me what they have been saying on the other side about you" I stride over to him and turned him to face me.

"What the hell do you mean they are talking about me?!" Why the hell hadn't he told me about this before.

"They said the dimidium sanguinis is either drawn to the light or darkness, and that you have already chosen your path and darkness has consumed you" I took a step back from him "You killed 12 witches Siena. You killed Bonnie. Correct if I'm wrong that's not your normal behaviour" I wanted to speak but no words would come out "Now after two years of us being together you ask me to turn you? When you have never brought it up before. With everything that happened with you over the last few months Siena you asking me turn you is out of charter" I shook my head I'm not acting out of charter I'm still me. I'm still Siena. I walked away from him and headed to the door suddenly he was in front of me "Tell me I'm wrong Siena" I looked up at him I really never thought in a million years that he would be liked this to me.

"I wanted to turn because I wanted us to be together" Damon face began to soften "But you made it pretty clear that you don't know who I'm anymore" I tried to go pass him and he stopped me I didn't even want to look at him "Damon move out of my way, before I do something I won't regret" I threaten him I tried to go pass him and he didn't stop me. I left the room and made my way out of the hotel. How could a perfect day and evening turn out like this? Well out of all of this I found out Damon true feeling about turning me, he never planned on doing it and he thought I had a hidden agenda to it all. Maybe Damon Salvatore never really knew me at all.

'Your Love Consumes Me' A Damon Salvatore Love Story.  Part Of The 'Epic Love Saga'Where stories live. Discover now