chapter 9.

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attention: answer this question in the comments. I will update once the question is answered.

question: at some point in this book.. Carlisle and Katie are going to "you know what". do you guys want me to write it or stop the chapter before continuing.

Carlisle's point of view

I watched Katie explore her new vampire powers. she practiced her speed, and vision.. I found it quite adorable by how amused she was. I sat back in my seat and watched as Alice showed her how to control her speed and how to pretend to breathe.

"Just don't sit up straight.. humans don't do that." Alice giggled.

I sighed at Alice's theories to human ways, but at least she was trying. Rosalie on the other hand seemed pretty annoyed with Katie, but I just shrugged that off.

Everything seemed to be going perfectly. I had Katie again and I can no longer worry about hurting her.. but it all seemed too good to be true. Something is bound to go wrong.

nobodies point of view

Carlisle was right. After about 3 hours, a message came from the Volturi.

"who's the volturi?" Katie question.

"The Volturi are the largest and most powerful coven of vampires. They enforce the laws of the vampire world. They live in Italy." Carlisle began to say.

"Carlisle used to be in the Volturi, until he left because he didn't agree with their ways in life. they aren't vegetarians like us." Edward spoke as he held onto Nicki's side.

Katie looked at Carlisle, waiting for him to say more but he didn't. he remained silent.

"well?.. is anyone going to open it?" Rosalie asked, walking over to pick up the envelope.

Carlisle beat her to it and held the envelope in his hand. He looked at the Volturi seal that was on the front of it before opening the letter.

There was a silence in the room as Carlisle read over the letter. Everyone knew it wasn't good news when Carlisle sighed and ran his fingers through his hair.

"what? Carlisle what does it say?" Nicki asked, eager for an answer.

Carlisle didn't speak for a few moments, as he was trying to figure out what to say.

"Aro wants to meet Katie. He wants to welcome her to the 'vampire world' " Carlisle rolled his eyes.

"what's so bad about that?" Katie was confused.

"it's never good when Aro wants something.." Jasper said quietly.

everyone remained silent and looked at Carlisle for answers.

"we must go to Italy right away.." Carlisle finally said.

nobody argued because they already knew they had to go, before Carlisle could even say anything. everyone soon began grabbing things that they needed and was already on their way out the front door.

"wait.." Katie said instantly "what about my dad? Charlie has no clue where I am."

"I used your phone to text him a few times to let him know you were okay, while you were out." Nicki smiled.

"thanks nicki" Katie smiled back "but we'll be gone for awhile. he should get more information."

"right.. I will call him and set things straight." Carlisle spoke softly.

he walked over to the phone and picked it up as he began to dial Charlie. it rang a few times until Charlie finally picked up.

"hello, yes.. Charlie this is Carlisle Cullen." Carlisle spoke into the phone.

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