chapter 8.

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so I wasn't going to post this until Thursday, but since you guys are dying for an update.. here you go!(: enjoy
tell me in the comments what you think is going to happen later on

it took three days for Katie to fully transform. while she was out, Alice cleaned her up and kept her company.

"alice, let me help you" Carlisle offered.

"no. Carlisle this is a girl thing, go read a book or something and leave us." she ordered him out of the room.

she shut the door as Carlisle left her alone.  Alice grabbed the bowl that had water and wash cloth in it as she used it to wash the dirt and blood off of Katie's body. once she was all clean she dressed Katie in clean clothing so she'd at least look okay when she woke up. she brushed her hair and made her look decent. once she was done, Carlisle came back in and resumed sitting with her.

"don't worry love, I won't leave you again." he spoke softly to her as he held her hand and waited for her to wake up. 

he squinted his eyes in confusion when he heard something strange coming from Katie but shook the thoughts away and proceeded watching and waiting.

After awhile, the others joined Carlisle in the room and waited as well. They listened as they heard movement from the venom inside Katie's heart. Carlisle tilted his head up and looked at Katie. The whole room was silent as they waited. suddenly, Katie's eyes opened quickly, revealing her red eyes as they darted around the room. Carlisle sat still, as her eyes focused on him.

"hello love." he whispered and smiled softly "I'm back."

she remained silent as she blinked and stared at him. she squinted her eyes in confusion.

"h-how are you here? how am I here?" she started to worry.

"shh. " he said calming her.

Katie sat up and instantly was across the room. she paused for a moment realizing she had new vampire traits. Carlisle stood up as well and followed Katie as she walked outside. he tried to make her stop walking, but she turned around and pushed him backwards.

since Katie was a newborn and was much stronger at the moment, Carlisle fell backwards as she pushed him.

"Katie please. I just want to talk." he pleaded.

"you want to talk? I'm sorry but last time I checked, you left me ! YOU were the one who said to leave YOU alone. so don't even say you want to talk!" she yelled at him angrily.

"kate.." he tried again.

"DONT!- you don't get to call me that any more." she yelled

"just leave me alone Carlisle." she said angrily.

"as much as I would like to since it would make you happy and all I want for you is to be happy, I cant my love." he said as he got up off the ground "I need to stay with you until your thirst is under control."

the minute he mentioned 'thirst', Katie's throat began to burn. she gripped her throat as she turned around and began running at full vampire speed. Carlisle ran as well so he could make sure she didn't do anything bad. he caught up to her easily, trying to get her to stop running. his wish came true when they came to a giant rock. Katie stood on the rock and inhaled deeply.

       a few miles away, a climber was rock climbing on the nearby mountain. as he raised his leg to go up he slipped, hitting his leg off of another rock, causing it to bleed.

Katie inhaled once more, catching a scent of the blood. the second she smelled it, she was on her way towards the mountain.

"Katie no!" Carlisle yelled as he chased after her.

"Katie stop!!" he yelled once more, causing her to stop herself and turn around towards him.

she looked at him with a face of pain. Carlisle could tell she was hurting and that she needed to feed soon.

"Katie look.. you cannot do this. please come back down the mountain" he said calmly, trying to convince her to come back with him.

"Carlisle I cant do this! I cant live this way!" she yelled as she swallowed painfully.

Carlisle thought for a minute about how he could get her to come back. he was silent until he thought of one thing.

"okay Katie.. I'm going to do this just this once,  because its an emergency. I have a thing of O-Positive blood in my office, come back with me, and its yours." he offered her looking down at his feet. he felt as if he failed because he can't get Katie to drink animal blood.

Katie thought about the offer for a few moments, then she grabbed his hand and they quickly headed down the mountain.

it took 5 minutes for them to get back to the house.

"they're back" jasper smirked at Katie.

she rolled her eyes at his comment, annoyed because she was so thirsty.

"you guys might want to go hunt for awhile." Carlisle said softly as he walked out of his office with the blood bag in his hands.

"wait.. she gets a bag of human blood when she throws a fit." Rosalie said annoyingly.

Katie shot her a look as Carlisle noticed

"Rosalie... now is probably not the time to say things about Katie.. she is much stronger than all of us at the moment." Carlisle said.

she rolled her eyes as she left the room. the others waited but left as well because they knew they wouldn't be able to control themselves.

Katie looked up at Carlisle with her pitch black colored eyes then focused on the bag of blood in front of her. he handed her the bag as he sighed. Katie knew he was disappointed but she was too thirsty to worry.

the second the bag was in her hands, she sunk her teeth into it and began draining the blood. instant relief was brought to her as she drained the bag till it was empty. not a drop was left inside.

"better?" he asked as he took the bag from her and threw it away.

Katie nodded her head and wiped the blood from her mouth. Carlisle smiled because she was no longer in pain, but was also upset because her eyes weren't gold like the rest of the family.. they were bright red.

"Carlisle I'm sorry.." she mumbled.

Carlisle just looked at her, not knowing what she was apologizing for.

"I'm sorry I just couldn't do it. I promise I will only drink animal blood from here on out." she walked closer to him.

Carlisle smiled softly and made eye contact with Katie again.

Katie reached her hand out and touched Carlisle and noticed she didn't feel the icy touch of his skin like she used to. instead, she felt normal .. because they were now the same temperature. Katie smiled as she continued to touch him. then she leaned in and kiss his lips passionately.

"don't worry love, you don't have to worry about not being able to touch me. we will be here forever." he joked and chuckle quietly.

"I always thought about us being together for a long time but now.. we'll be together forever, my love." he whispered before kissing Katie as well

A/N: there is a small little hint in here for a later part in the book. Bet none of you will guess it. (: mwuahahaha

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