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we all get into our groups, many of us are with our packs and the packs are all relatively big which gives us an advantage in this fight. Well besides mine which consists of about 15 wolves.

I take the lead heading off to the right where the ground becomes steeper the farther you go into the pass. Not many can climb up this slope let alone fight on it. But my pack can due to how young and also how frequently we would train here.

Legolas is riding on my back this time without the saddle. His bow strung with an arrow notched to the string.

'This is good we stop here' I tell everyone and head to a thick bushes that was just enough to cover myself and legolas from prying eyes.

"Their are so many of them" legolas exclaimed as he took in all the Rouges. I shook my head slightly making sure he didn't fall off.

I then look at the large group of around 100 wolves. All scared and muscular, some are still very young and shouldn't even be here.

By the time I was done examining our enemy I could see my mother's pack and 5 others closing in on the front. The snow Leopard pack was on the left side of the pass and with the signal from mother we would both attack at the same time.

Time skip

It has begun all chance of resolving this peacefully has been rejected. The wolves in the pass are now engaged in a full fledged fight and our Chace to join was fast aproching.

Then the signal came. One long, loud roar from mother.

I could feel legolas grip tightly on my neck fur before I bounded down the slope letting out a loud roar a companyed by the leapards and wolves also bounding down the slopes on both sides.

As right before I reach the bottom legolas jumps off my back and scrambles up a tree and begins shooting at the enemy. As I join the fight.

I lash out at my oponents with tooth and claw. Before long they have retreated back to where they have come and we sent the ones who are less wounded to chase them out.

After this tiresome fight we head back to the mountain for some much needed rest.

Felt like you all needed an update to ensure that I do eventually intend to get back to this beautiful story.

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