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(Amber's POV)

it has been a month since I was pushed into the lake and my strength has not returned fully which made me a bit worried because of my family I should have had my full strength back within the same week that I had lost it. I was tempted to call for my mother but because I am weak I cant change to call her and I cant use my horn cause in not in trouble so I decided to wright a letter to her instead it has been sent to Rivendell.

my thoughts keep going back to Leah and her unborn child. as our law says you cant fight one who is with child. and I can not back down. theses rules are driving me crazy.

"hello! how are you feeling today?" I turned around to see Legolas with a tray of food. "why are you out here all alone?" he asked placing the tray beside me on the bench.

" I enjoy the nature and the trees and plants lend me there strength," I replied taking a deep breath of the crisp winter air. I was sitting in the garden by the pond.

" I brought you something to eat. I didn't see you at breakfast this morning." he said as he sat beside me.

"I'm not hungry," is all I say as I watch a small black and white cat try to walk across the frozen pond and silently laughed.

"Amber you have to eat to keep up your strength," he said his voice had a small amount of concern in it.

" I am waiting for my mother to arrive then I will eat if she needs me to," I say getting up and start walking around the garden. just then a guard came telling me that my mother has arrived and is waiting for me in the throne room with the king. Legolas and I walked down together and also entered the throne room together but I let Legolas go first as respect to his higher ranking.

"Hello Ada and Lady Jane," Legolas greeted with a slight bow to his Ada.

"Hello my King and nana," I greet them and bow to the king before turning face my mother.

"hello Amber," she smiles and turns to the king. " If its alright with you I'd like to look at my daughter and see if I can help her," she said before turning to Legolas, "Alone," she added.   

" yes of course. Legolas take them to the healing ward," the King said before dismissing us.

When we entered one of the rooms Legolas had been sent way so my mother could speak with me alone which I had no problem with. he was always by my side trying to help get my strength up.

" Amber I heard what Leah did and how the king and his son would not let her speak with you." she started and I interrupted her.

"Nana I cannot fight Leah not now, " I said and she just nodded.

" I know because you must get your strength back so it will be a fair fight." she simple stated as she began to look me over.

"that's not what I mean," I stated and she stopped and looked at me.

"go on," is all she said.

"Leah is with child," I replied softly adding "it's Jessie's" she just looked at me for a moment.

"do you know where she went?" she asked concern in her eyes.

" I think she might have gone home because I told her that's where she should have the child and that's when she got mad at me." I told her as she started to take things out of her bag.

"ill check there on my way to lothlorien," she said handing my a glass full of a green liquid. "drink this it will bring back your strength." she added and I drank it.

"thank you," I said and began to help her put her things away.

" I will stay for a few days to see how you feel and I will leave shortly after that but now you may go back to Legolas." she said and smiled when she spoke of Legolas.  

" I would much rather spend time with you," I told her putting the last thing into her bag.

"and whys that?" she asked looking at me with a questioning look.

"he is always around me and ... and he tries to make it so I never make a mistake with my weapons and he makes me eat when I don't want to its annoying," I explain and she just laughed. "what's so funny?"

"you cannot see?" I just stare at her and she sighs, " he obviously has feelings for you." she said smiling.

"oh," l respond my face going a light shade of pink. and she just laughed some more. "when will I be joining my pack again?" I asked trying to change the subject.

"when winter is over is the closest time you may return." she explained.

"what do you mean closest time?" I question.

"you know if you wish to stay longer than that you can," and with that she  left the room leaving me to think of what she said. after some time I gave up and went in search of her and found her in the garden by the pond.

"Can I join you?" I ask and sit next to her.

"Amber are you going to the ceremony?" she asked turning to me.

"of course I am I'm part of the handful who have finished the training and I'm ready and will be there." I state staring at her.

"its next week and you can bring a friend if you wish but only one," she said before turning back to the pond.

I stood up and spun around to find Legolas standing there. "how long have you been there?" I said a little to harsh.

"long enough what's this I here about a ceremony?" he changes the subject away from himself.

"its when young warriors become full members of our society so to speak, it is the tradition and it has been carried out throughout the years and Amber and her brother are part of it this year." mother explained.

"it is held at our great fortress and only few know of." I add and he just looked at us.

"when will you leave and are you going alone?" he asked a look of interest on his face.

"depends on the day," I respond and turn back to my mother.

"it is best if you leave on the morrow and ride your horse so you get there in time." she said and I just looked at her.

"why must I ride when I can run in less than two days?" I ask and Legolas just sat there confused.

"if you are to bring him then you must ride and from the looks of it he will follow you even if you wish for him not to come," she explained and I then turned to a very confused Legolas and sigh.

 "what of the others?" I ask still looking at legolas.

"i will deal with them. here take these," she said handing me a bundle of herbs only  a skin-changer can have. " if you feel your strength fading eat one of those." she explained. "i will set out with you but I will leave you at the borders of Mirkwood and I will see you at home." and with that she got up and left.

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