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(Legolas' POV)

I woke to find Amber curled up and sleeping right by my chest her head resting on my neck. not wanting to disturb her I just stayed there waiting for her to wake on her own. she kept mumbling things in her sleep and moving even closer to me. I put my arms around her and she pressed herself against me. I just smiled and moved  a little closer to her not wanting this to end. Just then ada entered the room and noticed what was happening and smiled to himself as he moved the chair beside the bed next to me setting a vase of flowers on the desk. 

"how is she?" he asked sitting in the chair and watching her move even closer to me.

"she's getting better. the healer said she might be able walk around later today," I said not turning away from Amber as she grabbed my shirt wiping he face on it.

"she looks so peaceful and you ion-nin look happy to see her getting better," ada said as he reached over me to fix my shirt.

" I am happy to see her strength return," I replied looking at her as she started to stir from ada moving my shirt. I just pulled her into a soft hug.

ada said nothing as he watched the way I moved the blanket over her. the healer came into the room as I was putting my arms around her once more.

"I'm sorry to say that you must wake her up," he said looking at me.

I sighed and pulled the blanket down around her waist and slowly moving away from her. she tried to move closer to me and when I moved away once more she began to cry as if she were a young elfling once more. I looked at the healer concern written all over my face.

"it is what I have though...." he said think out loud, "you do not need to wake her now I have seen enough," he added. I looked at him confused.

I let her nuzzle back into my chest and pulled the blanket back onto her. watching as she stopped crying and she lay quietly on my chest with tears on her face. i looked up at the healer who was watching me intently.

"what was that?" I ask looking at the two of them smiling at me and Amber.

"she was upset when you didn't let her sleep up against you and from the looks of it she felt  unsafe and afraid that she could no longer be close you." the healer explained

i just looked at Amber wondering if that were true and i felt something start inside me that i have not felt before. Her ears twitched at the sound of us speaking, and she slowly opened her eyes looking up at me.

(Amber's POV)

I woke to voices and looked up to see Legolas  looking down at me. that's when I realised how close we were and I moved away from him as I noticed the other people in the room. Thranduil and the healer were staring at me as I moved farther away from Legolas, slowly sitting up.

"Good morning Amber," Thranduil said looking at me with a smile on his face.

"Morning," I said and yawned right in the middle of saying it.  Legolas just laughed and I shot a glance at him wondering why he was still in the bed with me after I had been fine the other day, when I woke up to see the healer and drifting asleep not long after he left.

"you may get up and walk around after you eat but don't over do it," the healer said as he grabbed a tray with a big bowl of strawberries and some bread on it along with two cups of water. I looked at the tray in confusion I could not eat that much food. the healer must have seen my confusion. "this is for the both of you," he added indicating Legolas who was still laying beside me.

after we ate we left to go walk around the garden, Legolas insisted that he go with for the walk. as we reached the garden I noticed wolf tracks and so did Legolas and I instantly looked at them hoping that they did not belong to Leah. to my dismay they were and that's when I decided to leave Legolas and follow the tracks, they led to the wall and I guess she had jumped over it and into the forest when she was running from the guards. I sighed and headed back to the healing ward leaving Legolas in the garden.

when I entered the room I picked up all my things and headed back to my room. I took out some books and began to read and eventually fell into a fitful sleep.

when I woke it was late in the afternoon so I headed to the dinning hall to get a bit to eat but was stopped by a guard.

"Prince Legolas has been looking for you since this morning my Lady Amber," the guard reported to me.

"I wish not to see him at the moment I wish to be alone," I replied to the guard lowering my ears in anger.

" I will tell him that then and that you are safe inside the palace," and with that the guard left me in the hall.

as I entered the dinning hall I found Legolas and Thranduil sitting at the table talking. I walked in and sat at the end of the table and a maid brought me a plate of food. I gladly took it as Legolas and Thranduil notice my presence. I smile at them while I start to eat some of the food. Legolas came to sit by me and I looked up to see his face a mixture of worry and relief. I just smiled at him and continued to eat.

"My ada and I have decided to hunt down Leah and make her pay for what she did to you," Legolas said moving his chair closer to mine.

"she didn't mean to harm me and if anything it is my fault not hers," I replied and Legolas looked at me confused. " I made he mad and she gets aggressive and she couldn't help herself but she also came back to tell me she was sorry. your father had chased her away before I could speak with her," I explained to him. " I must go find her and make this right and because your guards chased her away we must fight and the winner decides what happens to the loser," I added looking down to my plate.

"what you cant do that are you mad?" Legolas yelled and it hurt my ears so I had to cover them for a moment. " you cant fight her," he added not as loud.

" yes I can and I must," I said a bit to sharply. Legolas looked at me and said nothing. "where I am from we settle our problems by speaking to one another and if one refuses to talk then we must fight it out, and because  couldn't talk with Leah we must fight her," I added watching Legolas' expression on his face.

"how are you going to find her and fight when your so weak?" Thranduil asked.

" I will regain my full strength then set out to find her," I replied looking at the king.

"and were do you plan to find her?" Legolas asked looking at me.

" She would have gone home and that's he first place ill look," I explained.

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