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(Ambers POV)

i watch as Legolas leaves the dinnig hall with the guard that just spoke to him. wondering were he was going. King Thranduil and I ate in silence, when the meal was done I had to ask him atleast one question before he left the dinning room.

"King Thranduil may I ask as to were the practice fields are?" I said in a soft tone. he just looked at me like I was a asking were he kept all his peoples gold.

"and why would you wish to know that?" he asked in a rather cold tone.

" i would like to begin practicing my skills once again." is all I said. "a warriors only as good as there different fighting skills and how well they can use them," I add.

he just got up and started to walk towards the door. " I will get someone to show you later then," and with that he left the room. looking at my plate I finished eating before heading back to my room. 'this is going to be a long winter' I thought to myself as I entered my room.

when I entered my room I noticed some books on the desk that were not there when I woke that morning. curious as to what they were I slowly made my way over to look at them. there was three in total,all about Mirkwood and its history, also the way things work here. as I picked up the books to put them on a small shelf in the room I found a note under them.

the note reads:

'Lady Amber

I have put theses books in your room so you may learn about our home in hopes for you to understand us Mirkwood elves better. we are not like you or your father so please read so you may understand us a bit more than you do now. when your done with them just return them to me.


this surprised me, I didn't think legolas cared if I knew only a small amount of information about Mirkwood. I certainly would learn about it given time. I placed two books on the shelf and took the last one to read through it.

laying on my bed I opened the book. the book it titled history of Mirkwood first age-middle of the second age.  I started to read the book and at some point I  ended up drifting off to sleep.

I was woken by a loud knock on my door. " come in" I called,sitting up still half asleep. who walked threw the door surprised me. legolas stood there staring at me as I slowly stand up off the bed.

"My father has sent me to take you to the practice fields," he said while staring at me.

"alright I just grab my weapons and we can go," I replied. he just looked at me funny. "what," I asked a little to harsh than I meant to.

"you are going to go outside were lots of other elves can see you with your hair looking like that?" is all he said in a gentle but firm voice.

as he said that I got out my mirror and looked into it. what I saw shocked me. my hair was sticking up in a few places and it was all tangled in one large mop. I instantly took out my brush and tried to take out my braids but with no success. I plopped beck down on the bed and tried to get the tangled braids to come out of my hair. as I was doing this I didn't notice legolas close the door and walk up to me until he sat down on the bed beside me.

"here let me help you," legolas said in a soft tone. taking one of my braids and untangling it with skilled fingers. he did the other to before taking my brush and brushing my hair pulling it back into the same three braids. "don't sleep with the braids in or that will happen again," he said as he finished with my hair.

"thank you," is all I could say.

"don't mention it," he replied standing up grabbing my bow and daggers. "lets go," he added before leaving my room with my bow and daggers.

I quickly grabbed my sword and quiver  following him to the practice field. when we arrived I noticed that there was nobody there but us witch surprised me because I thought there would be other elves training.

"my father thought it would be best if it were just us training here for the rest of the afternoon," legolas explained as he set up targets. I realized that legolas had not given me my bow and daggers back yet.

"um..... legolas you still have my bow and daggers," I state as I watch him finish putting up the last target.

"i know I am going to give you a new bow and set of daggers," he replied as he walked back over to me .

"what...... why?" is all I could manage to say as I watched him stop in front of me.

" yours are very worn and look as if they have seen way to many years in battle. the bow is fragile and one hit from even a blunt sword would brake it into two. the daggers handles are worn and are beyond repair," he explained as he motioned for me to follow him. he lead me to the armories  were he gave me a new bow and a set of daggers with beautiful golden handles. after that we went back to the practice fields.

when we got back to the practice fields legolas took out his bow and daggers. his daggers had golden handles just like the ones he gave me. his bow was just like mine plain brown. we spent the whole afternoon practicing. some time in the evening a guard came to find us for dinner. we quickly went to the dinning hall not bothering to change out of our sweat covered clothing.

the king was not in the dinning hall I insisted that we wait for him to arrive before we begin to eat but legolas had explained that his father would not mind if we ate without him. he never did show up for dinner. after dinner we both went off to our rooms to bath and change into new clothing.

after changing I sat down on my bed and started reading where I had left off in the book. I didn't get that far before I heard a knock on my door. I sighed and put the book down on the bed side table before getting up to answer the door.  

when I opened the door I found myself face to face with legolas. "hello legolas," I said moving aside to let him into my room. he was wearing a light brown tunic with matching trousers. he came in and sat down in the chair at my desk. I move to sit back down on the bed.

"my father wishes you to come to the feast of starlight tomorrow." legolas said in a soft tone. "he wishes you to wear a dress," he ended waiting for my reaction.

I just stared at him not sure as of what to say. I started to play with my necklace. legolas must have seen this because he stood and moved to sit beside me.

"you don't have to if you don't want to," he softly replied as he took my hand away from my necklace. his hands  are so soft yet strong.

"if the king wishes me to wear a dress then I must not disappoint him," I say as I look up into his dazzling blue eyes.

"are you sure?" he asked

"yes." I respond. " I only wear dresses once in a while so it would be a change for a little bit" I added with a small smile.

"come lets go walk around for a little," legolas said as he stood up offering me his hand. I took it and we walked through the halls for a while ending up In the gardens.

the gardens were beautiful there was so many different colors and so many trees. we sat on a bench near the small pond in the middle of the garden. we watched the ducks and swans swim around the pond before continuing to walk. by the time we got back to my room the sun had already set and it was growing darker outside.

"i will see you tomorrow," legolas said before leaving me to go to his own room.

after legolas left I changed into my nightgown and went to sleep.

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