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(Amber's POV)

I woke to the sound of someone moving around the room. not wanting to disturb Legolas I turned my head slightly to see Leah standing in the doorway. I instantly sat up which was a bad idea because as soon as I sat up my vision swam. Legolas was awake at my suddenly fast movement and as he sat up he placed a hand behind my back supporting me and I leaned into him as my vision cleared.

"what are you doing here?" I hiss the question at Leah as she stands there looking at the two of us in the bed.

" I came to see you and make sure your alright," she said a small amount of regret in her tone.

" I am fine no thanks to you," I snarl in her direction moving a little closer to Legolas, who as so confused.

"what happened between you too?" he asked looking down at me, his sea blue eyes full of concern as he noticed the tension between me and Leah.

"Leah is the one who put me in the pond," I say just loud enough for him to hear, "why did you come back?" I said louder to Leah.

" I felt bad for leaving you in that pond and trying to hurt you," she said her voice had a bit of sadness in it.

Legolas pulled me closer to him when he heard that Leah had tried to hurt me and that she had left me in that pond to freeze. I just leaned on him trying to stay strong and not lose my temper. Legolas was as tense as a bow string and I could feel him shaking in anger at what Leah had done to me. At that moment King Thranduil had walked into the room noticing the tension between us.

"what is going on in here?" he asked looking at Leah then me and Legolas sitting in the bed.

"Leah was the one who put Amber in the pond,' Legolas said in a anger filled voice that made me cringe away from him and he looked down at me with concern.

"is that true?" Thranduil asked looking at me. all I could do was give a small nod my strength failing. Leah then ran from the room and Thranduil called for the guards to seize her.

As that was happening all my strength had left me and I fell into Legolas. I didn't even have the strength to move off of him and lay down once more.

(Legolas' POV)

As Leah ran out of the room with my ada not far behind I felt Amber fall into my side and I looked down at her concerned. I took her in my arms and moved her back onto the pillows and then layed down next to her till the healer came into the room. he looked at us and I sat up trying not to wake Amber.

"her strength has failed and I don't know what to do," I told the healer and he looked her over.

" I want you to go and get something to eat and leave her for a little while," the healer said.

"what? I cant do that not while I know she is so weak," I said a mixture of feelings washing over me.

" I need to know how she is without you around her. don't worry you may come back in a hour or so," he ended and with that I was sent to the dinning hall.

as I entered the dinning hall I saw my ada sitting at the table with a worried expression on his face. I approached him and to my surprise he didn't notice me till I sat down.

"hello Legolas how is Amber?" he asked me as I was given a plate of food.

"the healer wanted her to be alone for a hour but her strength is failing," I responded to his question and you could hear the sadness I felt.

he just looked at me, his eyes full of pity and sorrow but was soon covered by his hard stare that showed no emotion. that's when I realized a guard had entered the dinning hall.

"did you find her?" ada asked the guard in a serious tone.

"no we have not but I have elves scouting the forest and if she's still here in Mirkwood we will find her," the guard reported before ada let him leave to help search for Leah.

(Leah's POV)

I ran through the halls as guards chased after me. 'why had I come back' I thought to myself as I ran through the gates and into the forest. when I got some distance into the forest I changed into my wolf form and decided to head for the mountain forest, the only place I will find comfort.

Jessie and the others have gone back to the east and will return home in a few weeks, so I wont be alone for long and I will finally have a chance to tell Jessie that I bear his child. but how will he react to me almost killing his sister.

by the time I got to the mountain it was dark so I went to my room and went to bed thinking about Jessie's reaction to everything that has happened.

(Legolas' POV)

the healer let me go back to Amber only after I had eaten something. now I am laying with her once more but more for comfort than anything else. just thinking about what Leah did makes me mad and protective. I wish never to see her again. I look over and see Amber's peaceful face and slowly move closer to her, waking her by mistake.

"Legolas...." she mumbles looking at me, moving closer to my chest and nuzzling into my shirt before falling back to sleep.

I cant help but smile as I move my arms and place them around her body protectively. she just moves closer to me and I move onto my back as she lays on my chest. not long after that the healer comes into he room and smiled when he saw me and Amber.

"she has a lot of trust in you," he says coming up to me to check on amber. as he looks he notices how peaceful she is and smiles. "when I sent you away she was having a bad time trying to sleep, but with you she seems at ease and relaxed," he added looking at me with a grin on his face.

I looked at him not understanding what he was getting at. I looked down at her as she shifted into a different position on my chest. smiling slightly and moving the hair that had fallen in her face, putting it back behind her ear. all that time the healer was just watching me as I carefully moved the blanket over her sleeping form.

"you are very fond of her," he stated as he watched me, I just looked up at him and he smiled.

" I do not know what this feeling is but I just don't wish to be away from her," I said looking at her with a small smile on my face.

" I will leave you to rest," he said smiling before he left me and Amber alone in the dark room.

I watched Amber twist and turn in her sleep wondering what she was dreaming of and eventually fell asleep.

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