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(Amber's POV)

i woke up before dawn realizing that i had once again had fallen asleep with the braids still in my hair. "great" i say to myself as i sit up on my bed and try to get them undone. it took me a long time to unbraid the first one and just as i had started on the second one there was a knock on my door.

"it is open," i say still trying to unbraid my hair.

i heard the door open then close again as someone entered my room. as i glance up at the elf standing in my room i find legolas staring at me with a small smile on his face as he noticed i slept with the braids in once again.

"you are going to have to be quicker at that if you continue to sleep with them in," he pointed out moving to sit on the bed.

" i was so tired when i got back i had forgotten all about them," i say as he takes the last braid and starts taking it out as i try to finish the other one.

"how does your hair get so messy so fast?" legolas asked finishing unbraiding the one and taking the one i started to unbraid.

"I'm not sure my parents cant figure that out either, as my brothers does not get nearly as tangled as mine." i sigh letting him unbraid the rest of my hair.

" ill see you in the dinning hall in a few minutes," he said when he finished with my hair heading to the door.

as soon as he left i started to change i choose a light green tunic and a pair of forest green trousers, slipping off the nightgown and pulling on the other clothing before brushing my hair. i pulled half my hair into a braid before heading to the dinning hall.

as i enter the dinning hall i find legolas and King Thranduil already there waiting for me. as i sit down i had a feeling that i was being watched. i just shrugged it off as if it was nothing.

"Amber the feast of starlight is tonight and it would be a great pleasure if you wear a dress for tonight. that is if its alright with you," Thranduil said looking at me as he started to eat his breakfast.

"for you your highness i would do anything to please you," i responded bowing my head slightly.

we ate in silence after that. as we all finished and as we started to leave i asked legolas were the library was, with his directions i headed off there.

while in the library i searched the shelves for and books on skin-changers and of Mirkwood. after spending about a hour looking through all the books i headed back to my room with five books. two on skin-changers and three on Mirkwood. i put the books on my shelf deciding to finish the books legolas had given me first.

sometime after noon i was just finishing the last book legolas gave me when there was a knock on my door. i stood putting the book on the bed and opened the door. legolas stood there equipt with his bow and daggers.

" hello legolas," i happily said.

" i thought that you might want to take a walk in the forest," legolas said looking at my slightly messy room. " unless you have other things to do,"

"i was only reading," i admit. "i would love to go out into the forest. its been a while since i have run through one......... not since i had left Rivendell," i whisper the last part trying not to think about the last day i had been in the forest around Rivendell  spending time with my brother for the last time before leaving for Mirkwood. trying to hide a few tears as they escaped my eyes.  (she has been there for about one month now)

Legolas noticed this and gave me a hug trying to comfort me. i just tried to get out of his grasp and ran down the halls trying to stop the tears that were now flowing freely from my eyes. i found myself on the practice fields. not wanting for any of the elves to see my lion form i ran through the halls once more looking for a way into the forest.

finally i had found the front gates and ran out into the forest ignoring the guards yelling at me. when i was out of sight of the gates i changed into my lion form and just ran through the forest not caring who saw me now.

i felt a sudden pain in my side and fell to the ground changing back into a elf. i looked around only to find myself surrounded by orcs. i quickly glanced at my side seeing a arrow. pulling it out i started to regret not takeing any weapons with me. the arrow had poison on it and that means i wont be able to change into a lion again. the only weapon i had was a small dagger but it was better than nothing.

quickly standing i pulled out the dagger and lashed out at the closest orc killing it. the next few moments we  a blur as i cut down all the orcs and taking on even more wounds. finally killing the last orc right before my legs gave out and darkness took me as the poison spread.

(Legolas' POV)

i watched as Amber ran out of her room with tears running down her face. i tried to follow her but she was so much faster than i was. so i decided to let her be and let her come back on her own.

as i was heading the the dinning hall to grab a bite to eat a guard approached me.

"your father wishes to see you right away," the guard said i thanked him and headed for the throne room.

when i entered the throne room i found my father and a guard holding a blade to a orcs throat. the orc had many fresh cuts. my father saw me as i was looking at the orc filth.

" the guard found this orc bye the main gates, cut up and weaponless," my father informed me. "why come close to our gates so defenceless and weak," he demanded as he turned back to the orc. 

"my master sent me to send word to you as i was the only survivor," the orc rumbled.

"send word about what?" i hissed at the pathetic being.

"a half she-elf lay slowly dying in the forest," the orc said laughing slightly.

i looked up at my father his face expressionless but his eyes were full of dread which confused me. as far as i knew there was no half elves in Mirkwood. i watched as my father quickly took out his sword and killed the orc. ordering the filth to be taken way he then looked at me.

"get ready we are heading into the forest," my father said.

"who is the elf," i quickly ask before my father leaves to get ready.

he turns to me his eyes full of worry. "Amber,"  

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