Kissy Revenge (Dinah/You)

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"No, No and No Y/LN!"

"What now Dinah?!" Y/N grouches in annoyance "I did what you told me!"

"Correction, you heard what I told you" The polly bites back, an air of condescension in her words "That however doesn't mean you actually carried out the damn task!"

"I did too!"

"Oh really?" Dinah asked mockingly "Let's recap Y/L/N, shall we? I told you that when you head for a kiss you DON'T fucking go right in; you need to ease into it, don't think too much into this, no kiss is ever good if you worry too much, you need to be calm and briefly look into the eyes of the person you want to kiss. I.E. ME, don't purse your lips. Keep them softly parted, not so much that you could breathe comfortably through the opening, but enough that you could bite your bottom lip easily"

"That's what I did!"

"Y/L/N you just took a big ass bite out of my lips!" Dinah pointed out "And while I love the feeling of pain in any part of my body it won't get you to second base now try again!"

The smaller girl did as she was told and learned forward, "Amazing... Just amazing... Four months and she's still not satisfied with how I kiss"

"Well? Get to it Y/L/N" Jade ordered sharply "chop chop!"

"You know I don't appreciate you being all ganky over you kisses"

"You call that kissing?!"

"Yes as a matter of fact I do!"

"Is that so?" Dinah asked tauntingly "Because it felt more like sucking to me"

"Hey! That's not nice!"

"I'm not a nice person Y/L/N" The taller girl said bluntly "You asked for my help and I'm giving you the full Dinah-Jane teaching experience, insults and nasty remarks free of charge"

"Gee, thanks" Y/N said sarcastically.

"You're welcome" The Polly teased back "But the bottom line here is this, you want to learn to kiss? Good for you; but obviously you can't be self-taught, I felt your kisses and they leave too much to be desired"


"So out of the goodness of my heart I taken such a monumental task to make your lips feel all the more enjoyable"

"You have a heart?" Y/N chortled.

"Yes and I'm about to have two if you don't shut up"

The smaller Y/H/C puts both her hands over her chest, it was a self-defence gesture but that most likely wouldn't have done much good since she wouldn't put it past the Polly to rip her heart out with a pair of rusty scissors.

"Trust me by the time we're done, you'll kiss better than Camila!"

"And how do you know how well Camila kisses?" Y/N asked suspicionsly.

"Who do you think taught her? Lauren?!"Dinah asked back "Unfortunately had I known she was going to smack lips with Mendez in the end then I probably wouldn't have gone all the way on my teachings"

"You think so highly of yourself don't you?"

"My dear Y/L/N, I am a person of many, many talents" The polly said with a smug smile " You of all people should know that, specially after the midnight kiss I gave you on the roof that night"

The goofy smile that made it's way into the smaller girl's face was testament that she remembered the "New Years" kiss very fondly.

"That being said, I just didn't think it would take this long for you to learn to kiss... Scratch that, you haven't learned, period"

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