Temporary Bliss(Ally/You)

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Y/N Y/L/N had fallen head over heels for Ally Brooke. Problem was, Ally Brooke wasn't head over heels for Y/N Y/L/N. They had been friends with benefits for a while now because they got drunk at a party and had sex for the first time. Y/N made it clear that they were not friends so they were merely fuck buddies. Y/N hated knowing that Ally, the girl she fell hopelessly in love with, just used her for sex and nothing else. Y/N would take that over knowing the Latina would be having sex with the boys she was going on dates with so in Y/N's mind, it was okay to be used. After the fifth time of sleeping together, Y/N couldn't take it anymore and she finally told Ally how she felt.

"I love you Ally... I always have. You're so beautiful and smart, and kind, and caring, and loving, and God knows what else. You're perfect to me and I know you don't feel the same way, but will you at least give me a chance to prove to you that I love you?"

"Y/n... that was beautiful,but I can't.. I'm so sorry..."

"Why?" The yonger girl said barely below a whisper

"You know why Y/N, please don't make me say it..."

Y/N nodded and got up from Ally's bed, got dressed, and just as she was about to sneak back out the window, she turned towards the girl who had stolen her heart "For what it's worth, I never hated you, I acted the way I did because of the feelings I have for you and I'm terrified of what you do to me. You don't even know the effect you have on me. I'll leave you alone now, just wanted to say that and I truly do love you and I know I can show you that I do. Please don't text or call me to do this again, I just can't. I'm already vulnerable enough right now. So, goodbye Ally." And with that, Y/N stepped out the window and descended down the tree with tears in her eyes.

A week went by and Y/N noticed that Ally had been distant towards her. No friendly "hello's", no talking to her period unless it was for a class, when Y/N walked down the hallways at school, Ally would always avoid her and walk the other way. Y/N couldn't stand not being close to the small Latina but she guessed it was for the best considering that she dump her feelings for Ally on said girl right after they had sex for the fifth time. That night she got a text from Ally. She knew what it said before she even opened it.

Come over please? I'm lonely...

Y/N didn't know what to do. She told Ally not to text her or call her about their arrangement anymore because she was done with it. But could she really say no to Ally?

Ally... I told you not to do this...

Just one more time please?... I promise it'll be the last

Y/N was at war with herself. She didn't know what to think or what to do.

Ally... I can't...

Y/N stood her ground and turned off her phone for the rest of the night while she cried herself to sleep knowing the girl she loved, didn't love her back.

That Friday night everyone in their little group went to a small bar, Lauren begged Y/N to come along and she couldn't say no to her best friend. So here she was, at this place she didn't want to be, with the girl she loved with all her heart, and said girl wouldn't even look in her direction. Suddenly she got an idea to put what she felt into words and decided on a song to sing.

"I'm going to sing a song." She announced and Lauren squealed with delight and hugged her. Y/N smirked and hugged her back. Kinda. She saw Ally look up at her announcement but walked up on stage to talk to the DJ behind the booth. She knew exactly what song she would sing to get her feelings out in a way that didn't physically hurt anyone. She was pretty emotionally scarred from how things with her and Ally were, but here was a chance to express what she felt by using her voice. She stepped up to the mic stand and the DJ announced her name and soon the music was playing. Y/N closed her eyes and began to sing her heart out.

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