"Are you alright?" My voice is soft, trying not to startle her too much. She takes gasping breaths, clutching her throat she nods quickly.

With gentle hands, I remove hers so that I can examine the marks on her neck.

"Virtus. Peccata populi mei sana eam." I command the power to heal her of my mistakes. Her breathing turns normal, her eyes popping out of her head as the marks disappear. "My apologies."

Shaking her head in awe, she gives me a guilty smile. "No. I'm sorry. You had a right to be mad at me."

Accepting this, I nod. I stand, and without a glance at anyone else I stalk away. The anger still evident in the back of my head, I just need to get away... before I do something that I'll regret.

Not knowing what to do with myself, I retreat into my own mind, letting my wolf take over. She shifts and starts to run, giving me time to think and be alone.

Sprinkles of water hit my face, waking me. I panicked slightly, before remembering my wolf taking over. She had run for hours, finding a river she had swam happily, that is until she exhausted herself. Laying down beside the river, we had fallen asleep.

Now, Riley sits beside me, still reaching into the water for more ammo to wake me up. I look at him with tired eyes, he meets my eyes with guarded caution.

Rolling over I dig my face into my arms, his hand finds my back, rubbing soothing circles on my bare skin. The wind hits every bare inch of my body, my still some-what wet body shivering from the breeze.

"Are you okay?" His voice is muffled to my ears, my head too tucked into my arms.

"I'll be fine. I have to b-"

"You have to be? I've heard that before, Em. You don't have to be anything. You can have moments of weakness. You're allowed to be... not fine."

Sitting up, I turn my body toward him, not even feeling giddy when his eyes drop to my chest for a moment before meeting my eyes once more. I raised my eyebrow, watching as he scratched the back of his head, mumbling an apology.

"I don't deserve to be 'not fine'."

"That's bullshit, Em, and you know it. You're allowed to lose control every once and a while. It's apart of being a wolf. We have temper problems." He shrugs in a no-big-deal way.

I sniff. "I almost killed a pack member. Another pack member."

He groans loudly. "You didn't kill Conner! Stop with that shit. That wasn't your fault, and neither was this."

My anger from earlier comes back with a vengeance, turning my head to glare at him. "No, you're right. It's your fucking fault for letting some bimbo grind her ass all over your dick."

His jaw drops. "You can't be serious." Huffing I stand, and try to walk away, only to be stopped by a rough hand on my shoulder. "Now hold on just one minute. You don't just get to throw that on me and run away. We were training. I was teaching her."

My snort would attract the ripest of pigs. "Oh please, she even said she was sorry. She knew exactly what she was doing, and it was obvious to everyone else too. So excuse me if I don't believe you when you say you were only training with her."

His eyes flash dangerously, pushing me back a step. "Have I ever given you a reason not to trust me?"

I scowl at his growl, throwing my hands up in exasperation. "Yes, actually! You have!"

We stand silent, glaring at each other to see who will crack first. For a successful relationship, you need trust, and you need to let things go. I chant this over and over.

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