Xaiver's pack showed up 10 minuets later.

" Okay we are going to fight in our human forms ." 

I announced.

" Why would we fight in our humans form first? When a war happens we automatically shift so what's the point of fighting in human form first."

And of course there is always that one bitch who questions you. And that bitch happens to be the queen of bitches. Kristy.....

" Because what happens if you can't shift? If you don't know how to fight in human form and you happen to can't shift then you screwed."

I said. She glares at me then say's.

" Who the hell are you?"

My pack gasped and there eyes turn wide. I fake shock and gasp holding my hand to my chest.

" Kristy well that hurts! I thought you would remember me!"

I said every word laced with sarcasm. She glares at me and her face goes a little red.

" Who the hell are you!" 

She repeated. I smiled and said.

" Alpha Maria Woods."

She stopped and let everything process. Then she started laughing. I looked at her bored while my pack looked at her in fear.

" So your telling me we are taking orders from weak pathetic werecats!" 

She stopped laughing now.

" Why don't you all do us a favor and go back what all do best, being slaves."

She said. That caused people in my back to growl and lots of eyes flashed. But being how stupid Kristy is she stood her ground. I took a step forward.

" Kristy I am going to tell you this once and hope it get through that thick skull of yours. My patience with people like you is low and I am not the same girl anymore. I will not take your shit or your bitchiness anymore so I suggest you shut your big mouth before I do something you won't like."

I said. She rolled her eyes and pushed me.

" I don't take orders from people weaker then me." 

I closed my eyes trying to calm myself down but that didn't work. 

" Kristy I am warning you just do as I ask and this won't get messy...."

" Will you just shut up you slut!"

I growled at her. She looked taken back before punching me straight in the jaw. I closed my eyes. Gasp were heard from all over along with growls.

" Okay I tried being nice but that obviously isn't going to work..."

I said. I then punched her straight on the cheek. She fell from the impact. She then got up and charged at me. I wasn't prepared for that and she tackled me. We fell to the ground. She clawed my cheek leaving deep scratches. I hissed in pain and rolled us over so I was on top.

I punched her 2 times before she kicked me off. The only reason she was this strong was because her father and mother were great great warriors.

I got back up and tackled her again. She hissed in pain and manage to roll us over again and slam my head into the ground. I threw her off and she shifted. I want to avoid shifting. I don't know how they will react seeing a giant cheetah tiger.....

Her wolf was blonde and a little small. She went to pounce on me but I dodged it. She tried again growling in frustration. I grabbed her neck and slammed her down. She snapped at my face then managed to bite my arm hard. I heard the bone crack and I let her go. She then took this to an advantage and jumped on me. She growled in my face and I rolled my eyes. This made her angry and I giggled. Everyone looked at me like I was crazy. I wasn't scared of Kristy like they were though. 

Kristy bit my neck trying to get me to submit. Hell no.....  I pushed her off. This was the last straw. I then shifted. My bones cracked and all the cuts and scratches healed immediately. Fur grew all over my body and I got bigger. Soon enough I was my giant cat.

Gasp were heard from the wolves and people stepped back. Since she was small I toward over her. She was up to my legs. I bent down and growled in her face threatening her to make a noise. Fear radiated off of her in waves. I growled again making her submit to me. She showed her neck and I growled at her again walking away. I went up to Nina. When I was in cat form I was up to her chest. I was giant in this form. The only others wolves that would be close to my height are Alpha's. They won't be bigger then me they will just be tall. I nudged her telling her to follow me.

We went inside and I put on long black yoga pants and a red sports bra.


She screamed.


She said in one breath.

" What?"

Was all I said. She rolled her eyes and said.

" I can't believe you just did that I thought you said we weren't going to shift! And did you see her face it was priceless. 

I rolled my eyes and we headed back out. Once we were outside everyone shut up.

" Now are we going to have anymore problems?" 

I asked power in my voice. No one said or did anything.

" Then good! Partner up!"

I yelled.

Picture is Kristy's wolf


watch the video for how there growls sound and stuff. Imagine the growls though sounding a little more wolf like though.

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