Author Note

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Hey, guys! I hope that you like my book! And yes, I am a HUGE dorky fan of Kingdom Hearts. :) (Btw, side note, Kingdom Hearts 3 comes out in either November or December.)

There are a few things in NBC that I don't understand and observed. I'll lay them out here:
1. Why is Oogie in the opening sequence? Did he sneak in or did Jack invite him? Cause he's the "shadow on the moon at night"
2. Does Oogie have a foot fetish? Cause he tickles Sally's foot. It just seems a little weird to put in a kid movie the way they did... (And if you're younger and don't know what a fetish is...don't ask your parents.)
    Side note: Oogie seems like a nicer villain honestly. Like he lets Santa sing with him and he wants to make a great first impression with the ladies. He also saves Santa from being shot. But he does try and kill them so...
3. What did Jack expect when Oogie's boys brought Santa out of the gates and toward's Oogie's lair? Was he expecting them to go hang out in the pumpkin patch? Like what? Or was he too distracted?
4. How did Jack know who Santa Claus was without meeting him? He knew exactly what he looked like. Maybe from the Christmas books...but how did he think his name was Sandy Claws then?
5. How did Sally know exactly where to find Oogie? She asked everyone in the town. Like did someone randomly go: oh! Yeah Oogie has him. Good luck!
6. I've heard of kid leashes....but that one is kinda extreme! (Look at the pic if you don't know what I'm talking about. And apparently his name is Ethan!?)
7. I like the Gatsby reference between Sally and Jack. That's such a cute touch! It's when Jack mixes a potion and it blinks green, and Sally sees it.
8. How do the people of Halloween Town know what socks are?
9. If everyone shut their chimneys and locked their doors, how did Jack still deliver toys?
10. And the biggest one of all: if Santa had magic when he touched his nose, why didn't he do that in the first place!? Like I know his hands were tied but if he had magic he could've used it.....
11. I like how Jack sounds different when he sings vs he speaks. Oh wait, that's two different people. 😂

Leave a comment about things you don't understand or that you've noticed!

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