Accept Me Or The Enemy Will Kill Me

Start from the beginning

"Alondra, you had better let me go. I'm going to tear his face apart." I hold him tighter.

"Ah, now Zero, why don't we just go? I'm sure we'll run into Kaname along the way." I say, and turn away. Aido grabs a hold of my arm. I bite my lower lip, and look over at him.

"What is it?" I question him.

"Alondra-sama, where is Kaname-sama. He's here, but I can't sense him." He questions very concerned. I look away from Aido.

"He doesn't want to be found. Please will you all understand, and let him be until he's ready to speak to you all again?" I question them.

"Don't tell me he looks like Zero?!" Aido questions quickly figuring it out. Zero pulls my bang, and hides my face.

"OW! WHAT THE HELL?!" I yell out at him as he uses my hair as a curtain to shield both of us.

"You suck at lying and hiding your expressions, so don't say a word." I wince at the comment, but see his point. I'm like an open book in some cases.

"Right, so should I run?" I whisper at him.

"That'd be too obvious." I nod my head.

"Okay, you lead the way then" He sighs, and jumps off.

"Run." He says showing me his claws.

"EH?! THAT'S A STUPID IDEA!" I yell out, and run as he chases me.

"Hey wait!" I hear Aido call out. But I keep running since I can see that Zero is serious about clawing me. I bet it's because I'm worrying about Kaname that has him annoyed.

"ICHIRU!" I call out to him as I spot him and Sensei waiting for us. I quickly hide behind him, and look over at Zero.

"That was so uncalled for!" I yell out at him. He shrugs, and I glare at him. I turn towards the car, and find Kaname waiting in there. I look back at the airport, and step inside the car.

"Hey, Kaname. Are you alright?" I question him.

"Yes." He answers me.

"But, what about you? I saw the confrontation with your parents. I saw them leave a while ago." My heart breaks even more than it already has.

"So they left me." Kaname gives me an apologetic look before reaching up to hug me.

"If you'll allow me to, I will remain beside you." I blush, and feel my heart skip a beat. Now that the hard battle is over between the Senate and me, it's time to deal with this next battle. Trying to sort out my feelings between Kaname and Zero. There's no denying it anymore. I love them, but I don't know which one I love as a man, and which one I love as a friend. When I find out I hope they've sorted themselves out too.


"Come in." I say not taking my eyes away from the window as I sit on the window sill.

"You are still troubled I see." I turn my gaze over towards Kaname, who had somehow managed to open the door to my borrowed room. We've returned to the apartment Kaito previously owned, but now it's in Yagari-sensei's name, and he was kind enough to let me stay here until my parents thought through about what my changes meant. I smile at him, and move my legs so he could sit beside me.

"It's not easy pretending to be okay right now. It really does hurt. Their rejection hurts." I tell him putting my my knees up, and folding my arms over my knees. I've never had to prepare for something this painful. I never expected my parents to be afraid of me anyway.

"I feel so lonely right now." Kaname stands, and now we are face to face. He puts his small hand to the back of my neck, and pulls me into a kiss. It's a bit strange since it feels like I'm kissing a toy or something, but there's moister and warmth. These are real lips touching my slightly larger ones.

"Ka-" I jump as he pulls his lips away slowly, but moves towards my neck. I gulp as I feel his tongue slowly trace my neck. I feel my face blush as his tiny fangs poke through my neck. I can hear him sucking my blood. Enjoying every drop of it entering his mouth. Now he's free to do so since I'm already a pureblood.

"K-Kaname, wai-" I sit up straight as my door slams shut. I don't hesitate to run towards the door, and see what the heck that was.

"Zero!" I see Ichiru call out through the open door. He must have seen. I go past Ichiru, and run fast towards the direction I slightly feel Zero's presence. I hear Ichiru call out to me too, but I don't stop. I keep going. I can't keep going through this cycle between them!


"Zero! Where did you go?" I stop, and stomp my foot like a little girl throwing a temper tantrum. I'd looked all over, but I couldn't find a trace of him. He hid well from me. I put a hand to my neck recalling the moment that probably made Zero run off like that.

I wish I knew who I wanted, so I could save both of them this pain. Then again I don't even know if this will ever work out. Not with the memory of Yuki haunting me. A girl I don't know, and now she seems to be on my thoughts constantly.

I look up at the sky, and find it really scary that there are a bunch of crows perched on a telephone pole above me.

It's scary because it looks like they're observing me intently. I look at them a moment longer before slowly backing away.

They start to caw, startling me. I turn around, and run. I see them catching up to me, and lowering down. They start to scratch me with their talons. I shield my face as some of them get tangled in my hair. I scream out for help as I feel them multiply.

I trip on my own two feet, and fall in front of someone. The birds had stopped, but looks like I'm not out of danger yet. I lift my head to look up at the person.

They giggle, and that lets me know that it's a girl. She sounds way too young. I rise up on my knees, and look at her closely as she smiles darkly at me.

She has a petite built and, like most vampires, has a pale skin complexion. She has grayish-purple hair and eyes. Her hair is long and straight, with a full dolly fringe at eyebrow length and a small bun adorning the side of her head.

I stand up straight, and find myself to be taller than her. "Why did you attack me? Who are you?" I question her. She reaches a hand to my face, but I use my agile body to back away from her easily.

"Don't touch me, and answer my question!" I yell at her. She giggles again, and I feel a throb on my wrist. I grip it tightly.

"Remember now?" She says, and even her voice sounds child like, but I don't think she's that young considering she's a vampire. I look at my wrist, and gasp. The cherry blossom is back.

"Sh-Shizuka?" She winks at me.

"Ah, you figured it out! Good! But please allow me to introduce to you my distant relative, Maria Kurenai." I stare stunned at her. I thought Ichiru had killed her, or was that a trap to get me to trust him. No, please not that. Anything, but that. I couldn't bear it.

"Alondra!" I jump at the sound of my parents call. I curse.

"No! Go away!" I yell out at them. Shizuka giggles, and I look back at her. Evil intent in her eyes along with madness.

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