Surprise Muthafricka (Jacksepticeye X Reader 2)

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Your POV
"And I'll have chips...cause I love it more than anything." I said to myself, but someone was listening.

"What about me? Do you love chips more than me?" Jack, my boyfriend, asks.

"I love you guys the exact same way Donald Trump loves money." I smirked.

Jack wrapped his arms around me. "You love me more than food right?" He said. "Jack, what did I tell you? Think about Trump."

"What's so great about food that's better than me?" Jack questioned. "Well, first, it's there for me at ANY time." I said, opening the bag of chips.

"What? How? I AM ALWAYS THERE FOR YOU!" Jack screamed.

I kissed Jack and he seemed to soften up. "Jack, you have a job, it's called YouTube. And the way you work is like YouTube is 20 hours a day. So I only have a small time of your attention. Food is just here. Waiting for MY attention." I said.

"Well, how would I make it up to you?" Jack asked.

"I dunno. You'd be upset or you won't do it if I come up with an idea."

"Then how about this, I already did my two videos today, and I checked a ton of comments... Let's have dinner out."

"Bribing, don't like that."

"Then stay home and cuddle..."

"I like that." I smirked.

"But before..." Ugh...

But Jack kneeled down...


Mixed (X-Reader ONE SHOTS: Markiplier and Jacksepticeye)Where stories live. Discover now