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"Then I fell asleep in the guest bedroom." I sighed rather loudly, my voice very hoarse and weak. The phone in my hand shook with my trembling fingers as I stared back at him, only able to see from one eye. "I should have warned you about his stupid friends." I rest my chin on the palm of my hand.

Gee sat back a little, staring out of space probably in shock for all he's heard. His mouth is slightly agape and his posture becomes lousy. He didn't look good in orange. He swears every word in the book under his breath then leans forward, his palm touching the glass. Pressing my hand to his through the glass I sigh. "I'm so so so sorry I did this to us baby, I should have listened when you said it was a bad idea." I watch his eyes water, now the regret fully washing over him like I knew it would eventually. "I'm shocked Matty hasn't ran from you after he heard."

"He may be your best friend but he really cares about me now." I admit, thinking how Matty and I are closer than George thinks, how the regret of not shutting Matty out started to eat at my thoughts.

"Ross and Adam? Are they good with you?"

"Honey, Ross has been my best friend for years, he wouldn't let something like this be the reason he lets me go. As for Adam, I don't know, he's...he's quiet now."

"He always has been." His palm leaves the glass, now twirling the phone cable in his delicate fingers.

"Oddly more quiet Gee. I think he's delusional right now. Confused really." I take that silent moment to think about Adam and his parents, my parents, George's parents.... "Has your parents came up to see you?"

"Not yet, but I don't expect them to." He sounds sadder, if that was even possible.

"I'm sorry George."

"Don't be love, I put myself here."


It was extremely difficult to sleep without the security of Matty for the night. He had went back home to clean up what mess was made and ordered me to not leave his mums unless I was with him. As soon as he left I was scared for him, ever since the occurrence 5 days ago we haven't left each others side except for visiting George, and that was only for an hour. It felt weird when I laid down after my shower and had nothing to hold onto the expect a pillow. Ever since George came around I've become drawn to needing to hold onto something before bed. It's a sense of security and I didn't get that last night. It left me staring at the ceiling fan spin endlessly, my mind just wanting to think think think. I thought about every little detail of the night we killed Macen, how they found out by his finger prints on the headboard and my stupid mistake of spilling that bowl and Gee stupidly tried to pick them up. There we clear marks from the needle and signs of struggle on his throat and arms. Thinking about it so much lead me to cry, I cried until I went to the kitchen. I looked for some source of liquor to help me a little, to forget. When I found rum and a Pepsi in the fridge I thought about the night Matty popped my nose on the bottom of his pool. How all that lead up to me sitting in his parents kitchen at God knows what time, drinking and crying.

"Luana?" Louis had came into the kitchen, rubbing his eyes and fixing his pajamas. "What are you doing up?" He sits next to me with a glass of water. He squints at me.

"I should say the same to you?" I spoke, lifting the cup to my lips again, fighting back to well of tears.

"Heard something outside, came down for something to help my headache." He announces, lifting the glass to prove his point. It's quiet while he studies my face. "Are you alright?"

"I'm...I'm alright." I choke out quietly.

"You sure? That was pretty hesitant." He raises a brow just like his brother does. It makes me think about how much he's going to be like Matty when he's older. A ladies man, maybe making art and going to college frat parties even though he's like 25. Gosh, now I really hoped Lou doesn't take his brothers path. It makes me and Matty both sound like idiots.

"Yeah," my voice quivers. "Just a bad dream."

"Bad dreams lead you to drink? Where's Matty any how?" He gets up to rummage through the fridge casually. It was now 2 am.

"He's back at the house, getting me clothes." I lie, also getting up and putting the booze away then washing my cup. "Night Lou." I whisper and begin to walk back to the stairs.

"You positive you're okay?" He asks. I nod, looking back to give him a little smile even though I was not okay at all whatsoever. Once the slight buzz got to my head I had made my decision that this 2 am darkness was motivation to do something I've been waiting to do for the last few weeks. Marching to Matty's old room I threw off my jacket and flicked the lights on. Then I rummaged through his old desk drawers, pulling a note pad and pen out. Sitting on the bed I clicked the pen and sighed then began to write:

For Matty and my love George...


All apologies for the lack of updates I got in a bit of trouble and had only my shitty tablet to suffice on. It doesn't auto correct for me, nor will auto capitalize for me so it was a pain to write the last chapter before this. So if there are a lot of errors that's why, I have no patience with my tablet. But I have my phone back now so it should be quick updating. There's say about 2-4 more chapters of this book! I know it's not too long but I'm not making all my books as long as Rush haha. Anyways thank you for all the feed back and 1K reads. Spread the love! 💜 -Logan

Mad Hatter |George Daniel|Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt