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My nails tapped the nightstand nervously while Amber irons my dress for the night. I sat at my nightstand mirror and smother make up on my eyes knowing it will get rubbed off but the effort was good enough.  Throughout the day Amber had nagged me about the whole sex appeal thing. Eventually I gave in so she would shut the hell up. Immediately she thrusted all types of bras and underwear in my hands. Time was winding down and I had to pick something to wear with the dress. 

She recommended the mint green lingerie she offered me the first time around. Once I put it on I questioned what the hell I was doing with my life. Dressing up for some guy I've only known for a solid week. The butterflies were back. I slipped on the rest of my clothes, found some flats in my closet and called it good. My hair was styled the same as it was on Halloween just less messy.

Amber had to make me down miodol to calm my aching butterflies. By the time it was time for me to leave I was pacing the whole house clutching my bag. What if he thinks I over did it? What if he's leading me on? Do I even look good? So many thoughts made my head spin and when the doorbell rang I thought I was going to faint. Amber raced to answer it but I beat her to it and calmly opened the door.

There stood George as handsome and ever and dressed down something just as fancy as me. Black khakis, a white undershirt and black blazer complimented with a dark grey tie.  His hair still as messy as it always was. Right in that moment of his smiling at me I wanted to run my hands through the browned roots. "God damn, baby." He breaths with a smile opening  his arms to embrace me. I tuck my hair behind my ear shyly and enter his clasp. Amber squeals like a child behind us. I roll my eyes into his chest and smell his specially picked cologne for the night. It makes me blush when both our scents mix. After a quick chat with amber George and I are walking down the driveway hand in hand. His car was parked a few houses down.

Headlights gleam from down the road and the car has a familiar sound. An all too unpleasing sound that I could recognize too well. My hand slips from George's and he gives it a weird look. The car pulls up next to us right as we were to arrive at the mustang. Windows roll down and I grasp George's biceps nervously.

"Well if it isn't Luna, my eyes must deceive me!" God his voice was like shoving glass in my ears. George gives him this protective look, looping an arm around my waist but my height made it a little hard him. I'm an outstanding 5 foot 1 and he's like 6 foot 5. 

"C'mon." I whisper not even want to look at Macen's dumb probably drunk face. George walks with me to his car while he makes comments about him. I feel George's grip on me tighten when he starts calling him names from his car window. "Ignore it." I command getting in the car with him.

"Is that the asshole you told me about?" He starts up the car.

"Yeah Macen..."

He reached over to me and turned his head to gently kiss me. "Fuck him, this is our night okay?" This made my worry dissolve and I relax into the seat. We drive around the familiar city and endlessly talk about how our day was. He planned ahead and made reservations for somewhere nice. It was really kind of him to take all the effort into paying for dinner. I made a mental note to myself to do something just as nice in return. 

We arrive and he escorts me to the table with a grin. We seat ourselves and the first thing his hands go for is my hand then the menu.  This makes me smile a lot more than I usually would. His presence made my nerves calm and my eyes feel less heavy.

The whole time we talked about anything and everything about ourselves. Favorite hobbies, colors, music, what we do in our past time. I learned a lot about his family and where he came from. Brussels, Belgium to my surprise. I always thought he was from Manchester like Matty. Turns out George is like the male version of me. We like the same things and it surprises me. I've never found someone with a passion for the weird things I do. 

He and I both had one glass of white wine before paying and heading back his car. We walked out hand in hand very slowly and quietly just enjoying each others company. After getting in the car we both just sat there with the engine running. "So..." I mumbled twirling my thumbs.

"So yeah?" He turns toward me but his seat belt made it a struggle. I clear my throat and peak through my hair to see him. "My place?" He asks and I nod. I liked his house and Matty and the atmosphere. It reminded me of how much fun I had at the party until I nearly broke my nose. It was still fun after that.

The entire cruise back I had turned up the radio, rolled the windows down and sung to whatever was on the radio. Even though my voice sounds terrible George tunes in when Bruno Mars started. We laugh and laugh until we can't breath and pulling up his driveway I had to hold onto my stomach because of laughing cramps. It was late so we decided to turn down the music and head inside before someone calls the cops. My glass of wine did just enough to make me stumble with laughter but I was tipsy. George on the other hand was very calm and watched me with a smile the whole walk up the drive.

"Is Matty here?" I ask when we walk in. All the lights were off and I was completely silent.

"He had a migraine when I left. He must've had Clare come get him. Clare's a friend from work." He says, flicking the hall lights on and taking off his blazer. We both stand in the hall for a second in silence. George is close to me, close enough to feel his breath on my face. "I had a lot of fun." He twirls his fingers into mine, kissing the top of my head.

"I did too." I say smiling to myself and looking shyly down at my feet. His dips down to me height and kisses me properly for the first time tonight. His hands travel to my waist and hoists me up to let myself latch onto him. He seemed to love picking me up. The pads of my rough dry fingers tangle in his hair as he proceeds to the staircase. Things moved fast between us eh?

I cannot help but want to always have his hands on me. While traveling to his room I stared at his glossy gold eyes for awhile, a smile on my face and his too. After laying me down on the bed he insists on music to let the tension dissolve. He has a record player on his nightstand and he puts on The Neighbourhood. I sit on the center of the bed cross legged as he prowls onto the bed like a cat. There's this devious smile on his face as he makes his was closer to me. Leaning over my cold body he drags his lips barely across mine, holding onto my wrists.

This is what Amber meant by spicing things up. I wasn't officially with him just yet but I was sure to be after this. He hovers over me in between my legs before pushing his body closer. Fabric on fabric. The music makes the moment more tense in a pleasing way. "Do you want this?" He asks, trailing a finger down the zipper on the side of my dress. He looks down at my legs then scans his eyes back to me. I nod my head and put my hand on the back of his neck pulling his face to mine with a tender kiss. Without hesitation he slips a hand under my dress to unclip my garters. Warmth washed on his fingers while I desperately pull at shirt but my short arms make it impossible so he removes it for me. A rim of tattoos decorated him and I feel the inked skin opposite to mine.

All he can do is unzip my dress to let me kick and squirm out of it. There's a moment where he doesn't even touch me but scans my body with curious lustful eyes. The music suddenly sounds louder to me. "God, you're so pure." He whispers before dipping down to attack my neck with his lips. I made a mental note to thank Amber later for making me give into the clothing. Now it pays off. While he bruises my skin with his lips I'm busy fumbling with the button of his jeans... I was really doing this. 

I was going to fuck George Daniel?

Mad Hatter |George Daniel|Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt