Krakthans and Fatechangers

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"Next is Undine Coral, age 15," A beautiful girl with a very nice natural tan, ocean blue eyes and matching hair walks to the center of the room. You can tell that she was a swimmer or at least hung around the pool a whole lot. She had a swimmer's body; fit, cut, trim, and streamlined except for one part of her body which just about every boy and I'm sure even some girls were looking at right now. I'll just say that she had to help with buoyancy, bow chika bow wow.

"Holy shit," Damien gasps.

"You are so shallow dude." I say.

"You don't even know what I'm talking about," he defiantly says.

"Actually, I know the two things that you're talking about." This shuts him up in embarrassment and I smirk and continue watching.

As she steps into the center two absolutely gigantic spirits enter the room, and reveal themselves as the protectors of the sea. One is a great sea serpent, a Leviathan, the other is a giant octopus, a Kraken. The next spirit was a giant rainbow crystal bird who gives Undine a piece of itself in the form of a diamond shaped crystal broken off from some part of its body. The crystal bird leaves and that left only the kraken and leviathan.

They stare at one another and everyone begins to get uncomfortable since even though they may be known as co-protectors of the sea they are actually better known to be fierce natural rivals. Their hate for each other is so strong that even as spirits they could start to fight each other. They after a while seem to agree on something and after their stare-down the Kraken gives Undine a white tooth and the Leviathan gives her a black fang. To think that they would be docile enough to come together to meet this girl and not fight, that would make this girl pretty special.

They leave in a whirlpool and Undine begins to leave, but stops with a gasp of pain. She tries moving again but lets out another gasp of pain. She seems to see something however and begins to painfully move back toward her seat. As she does I and everyone else begins to notice that something seems to be splitting away from her. With a scream of pain she rips away from...herself, or at least a weird version of herself. It was her, but instead of her blue hair it was blue tentacles. With eyes that were like the leviathans snake eyes, but had the softness of the kraken in them, she was also covered in turquoise scales on most of her body, razor sharp claws and teeth, webbed feet and hands, a spiked fin on her back, and a long tail like fin.

The fishy look alike walks up to the normal looking Undine who has an expressionless look on her face, and begins to quietly whisper something in her ear. She then seems to press into Undine's body and after a while disappears into it. Undine opens one of her hands and reveals a white tear drop shaped crystal that the fish Undine must have given her. Everyone cheers though they are a little hesitant. As she makes eye contact with me a bolt of memory goes through my head for as brief as the moment that our eyes met.

I see and feel white sand beneath me. I smell and hear the endless blue sea that is before me. The crash of waves. The weird feeling of both hot sunlight and sea spray. I turn my head as I hear someone call my name.

I come out of the memory and stare at the girl, What was that? I think to myself. I stare at Undine who is going back to her seat for a little while longer before once again paying attention to the ceremonies.

About another ten students came up and they were just now cleaning up the remains of someone who did not heed the principles warning. I must say I do not blame the giant rat for chewing off the girls face, she could have handled it much better being chosen by that spirit much better. This caused quite a number of people to leave and ask to go home. They were allowed to except for those that already had gone through the ceremony. They had to stay no matter what.

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