Team 13 is Formed, Mostly

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"We have kept much of our curriculum here at Freedom Academy a secret. Especially from possible students that we sent invitations to. I will now tell you your next step now," the Principal says after finally everyone has gone up. "You will be paired into teams of eight. This is your team for the year. Get acquainted with one another because unless there is a real problem then you will not be switching to another. In this team you take care of one another, support each other, stick up for each other, but most of all stay united and together. If you do, trust me, it will make your year here a lot easier. These teams are decided by me, so if you have a problem with it you come to me. I try not to get just a balance of abilities and skills, but also your personalities. I have been watching you all quite closely and have an overall grasp of who you are. With that, let's get started."

There was a feeling of nervous tension as she began to call out names. There were sometimes cheers of approval, whispers, dead silence, and sometimes burst of outrage. "The next team is," Cornellia says as the room goes silent once more, "Undine Coral, Syrene Callahan, Luna Ioria, and Christopher Smith."

"Later Damien," I say with some malice. He doesn't bother to respond.

As the adults realize who it is that Principal Cornellia called they let out their biggest outburst yet. The room becomes absolutely filled with screams of defiance and refusal. It take the Principal something like five minutes or so before she is able to properly be heard. She then asks us, "Students do you have any good reasons why you think you should be moved to a different team?"

"Well no, not for me anyways. However, aren't there suppose to be eight to a team?" I ask having noticed our lack of members.

"Yes. There is another group of students that will be coming in and participating in the ceremony after you all leave to your new homes. They will then be coming to you," she responds. I nod my understanding and the girls say they don't have a problem, though I did notice Luna giving me an undeserved glare.

The principal then asks the grownups, "Does anyone object to Undine Coral being placed in our academy or on this team?" There are some mummers but the principal keeps right on going. However, the principal seems to know which ones are going to be the ones that people object to since she gives a little sigh before asking, "What about Luna Ioria?"

"I object!" proclaims a man in a very posh silver business suit who abruptly stands up. He has no beard but has a pretty awesome American civil war like mustache. He is aging but in very good way, and looks as if he was going to get mugged he wouldn't go down without a fight.

"Ah yes Mr. Ioria. I believe she is your daughter am I right?" the principal ask and I look at Luna who does not look at all happy as she stares venomously at her father. So I was right about her being an Ioria. Though judging from the look she is giving her father, there is definitely more than meets the eye.

"That is right and as a matter of fact I do not just object to her being on this team, but in this school at all. She is an Ioria who has duties back at home and in the future. She is not at all supposed to be looking at this kind of future. She is precious and has been in an even more precious state for some time now. From what I have seen this experience will be nothing but detrimental to her." As Mr. Ioria says this I see Luna just getting more and more angry.

Principal Cornellia sees this and says, "Luna, I believe you have something to say?"

Luna nods and says, "Father you lost the right to tell me what to do with my life and what you think is best for me a long time ago. I am staying on this team, but most of all I am staying in this school whether you like it or not." With that she altogether stops looking at Mr. Ioria and practically dismisses him.

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