A New Home and a Pleasant Surprise

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"I can't believe this?" Luna says as she sullenly sits down in our new den, sulking from the news that we just got.

"C'mon Luna. Rules are around for a reason. So c'mon and get with the program. It might end up being fun," Syrene responds, finally deciding to say something after hearing Luna say this the tenth time or so. Good thing to, since if she hadn't then I would've.

"Who do you think you're talking to? I am an Ioria..."Instead of listening to that I should probably explain what happened in between getting newly formed as a team somewhat, which was not looking good so far, and to getting to our new home.

We waited out in the cold for about a good ten minutes before a little girl of what looked to be about ten years old walked up and introduced herself as Marionetta. During our walk over we found out that she was an A.I which was cool but usual. People usually did not have other people as their assistants as a matter of efficiency and privacy.

Anyways she told us what was happening for the next couple of days with tomorrow being a free day and Saturday and Sunday being another ceremony. During those days we will also get our class schedules and after that then school will actually start. We are to keep our spirit shards at all times, they also said that they won't interfere with..."altercations that happen between students unless absolutely necessary." Which was a strange way of saying they won't get involved in fights unless it was going to get fatal pretty much.

Monday we practice with something called a Soul Bracer, Tuesday is transformations, Wednesday is magic, Thursday is math, english, history, science, etc. Friday is weapons training and the weekends are free days. One of the reasons why Luna is in such a "great" mood is mainly because of our accommodations, but most of all probably the rules that come with said accommodations.

For one thing it is equipped with 21st century Earth technology which is to say at the very least...outdated. My family uses it because well...we're old school that way and also a lot of people do the same, but there are people like the Ioria's who are...caught up on the times. This of course does not sit well with Luna. However the main reason why Luna is mad is because of one of those "rules" that I was talking about.

It seems that because of certain reasons from research that says this creates better bonds, less bias, and overall more equality and good will with others, it seems that we are required to share our room with someone of the opposite sex. Of course you'd think for the boys this is awesome, but honestly to me and probably the others it's just annoying. We don't want to share our space with a girl, especially if it is for a whole entire year. There is one word that I associate with girls...drama, and with this type of situation I feel that a storm is coming.

The girls are of course looking at me a lot closely and are just as exited as I am. Luna however pretty much thinks of guys in general as horny dogs just waiting to strike. That's not a guess she actually said "I am not, absolutely am not sleeping in the same room as this guy. He's just a horny beast with sex on his mind," I know, too much right? She could have just said hell to the mother-effing no and be done with it. Anyways we arrived at a two story beige house and she gave us the key and left soon afterwards. This pretty much gets us back to this headache.

"I don't know what you necessarily believe in, but I believe that I have a right..." and that's the last I heard of Luna before closing the back door. Like I said, drama.

I come out to a fenced off backyard that separates us from a forest and our neighbors that we are next to. I sweep off and lay down on a bench. I look at my phone and text my mom that I made it and I'm okay since on the walk over I felt my phone vibrate. I look up at the sky simply thinking over everything that's happened and wondering if overall this was the right move for me.

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