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"Finally." I say, exhausted and worn out "Seriously, this place needs an elevator." I came to the main school sight where classes will actually take place. Come to find out, its 10 STORIES HIGH!! And where is the principal's office? ON THE TOP FLOOR!!! And wait for it...NO ELEVATORS!!!! I'm definitely not happy right now.

I bang on a tall wooden door and hear "Come in." from inside. I push open the door and come into...a museum. All over the walls and in wooden cases are picture, awards, etc. There is probably every bit of history that you would want to know about this school in this room. At the end of a red carpet behind a large desk is the principle, silhouetted against a large window.

"Christopher I'm so glad that you're here. Please sit." She says beckoning to a seat in front of her desk. Sitting down, I look at the principal and get a closer look at her. The principal looks very young, though supposedly she has been running this school for around twenty years and has been a part of it even longer. Thin, tall, and with a stern face, she sports a full head of snow white hair. It was almost as if her body couldn't decide on what age it should look.

"You know, you should really put the office in a more accessible place. I would definitely suggest the first floor if possible." I say.

Laughing she says "No, if somebody really needs to see me then they have to make the climb. You wouldn't believe how many people give up before making it to my door. If people do not give up, then I figure that their problem is worth some consideration."

I sigh before saying "Speaking of problems, I also have one." She smiles and nods for me to continue "Luna really has a problem with one of the rules. She is really uncomfortable around us guys and wants to leave. I asked her to at least stay for a week, and if she still feels really uncomfortable around us then we would support having her go to another team if possible."

She nods and is silent a while before saying "It is possible for me to transfer her to the all girl team that I decided to have this year, however I wouldn't recommend it."


"They would tear her apart." At my look of confusion she continues "All those girls that I chose for that team are undesirable for a team in one way or another. Vain, egotistical, selfish, and mean queen bees that can only work with their own kind. Luna would not survive half the year, maybe even less if she was in that group. And in her state the damage would be...irreparable. From what you have told me she does not trust one gender, I won't be responsible for her trust in the other to be shattered."

"So you won't allow it?"

"No I will not." I nod and wonder what I should tell Luna "Anyways, why don't we get down to why you're really here."

"Start from the beginning?" I ask and she nods. After a while "I am for the most part...normal. I am as human as anybody else. Except for one thing. A lot of people would say I have bad luck, that things happen around me and the people around me. Others say that I am cursed. But they are all wrong, or at least they are only partly correct. Every year since sixth grade...I have seen the Fatekiller. I have seen Cain."

"Are you saying..." she begins asking.

"Yes. I am Sotiarius, the Fatechanger. The one who supposedly has the power to change people's fates. One who can break the laws of reality. And the next Abel to a nearly thousand year old Cain." The principle mulls over this information and I don't blame her.

All of our race and even some other races know about Sotiarius. The story goes that our race comes from an Adam and Eve that had somehow escaped their home planet which had been destroyed by an apocalyptic event.  What's even more hilarious and a little creepy is that guess who their first children were? That's correct, twin brothers called Cain and Abel.

However, unlike in the bible these two were practically joined at the hip and lived with one another peacefully for a long time. They soon had beautiful wives and pretty much it was paradise. Unfortunately, one day Cain's wife mysteriously fell ill and within a day dies. Cain was distraught with grief and begged his brother Abel to use his power to bring her back. I'm sure you can guess what power Abel had? The power to change fate. However, Abel refused and Cain supposedly went completely mad and well...depending on your beliefs, history repeated itself.

Believing that he can use the power to bring his dead wife back, Cain tried to take Abel's power by killing him, but was unsuccessful due to another child's, Seth, help. Abel soon did die and Cain hid in the deepest parts of the universe. Soon afterwards rumors began coming up that someone had inherited Abel's powers and soon enough Cain came again to try to steal the power. This is the cycle of a Sotiarius. This is my fate.


"Explain in detail how you know this?" the principal says.

"At first it was just little things. Tripping, things seemed to be put in my way, and my parents thought it was just clumsiness but..." I sigh "as I got older fatal things started to happen. Mainly car accidents and other things. People soon started dying or getting really badly hurt. When that happened, that's when people started to avoid me. This was the way that the power manifested itself, and just like luck, I had no control over it. Before I even hit first grade I was a social pariah, an outcast of the lowest associations. At that time I began looking for answers and I found them. The dreams only confirmed what I was getting from books and other things. I was not a good person during this time. I figured I had a right to be, but luckily my friends, family, and other important people supported me. And I am."

She looks at me for a long time with a piercing gaze as if she was analyzing everything about me. After a while she says "Are we at risk around you Christopher? Are you dangerous?"

"The incidents died down several years ago, but the power still seems to influence things in subtle ways. Overall, I do believe that it has mellowed out."

After a while she says "Good. It seems that things will keep going as I planned. You may go. Remember what I told you about Luna, and make sure that you don't forget about the ceremony tomorrow okay?"

"Y-yes ma'am thank you I won't." I stammer excitedly, not quite believing that she was letting me stay.

She smiles and says "There are very few things that would stop me from allowing a student to attend my school. Being a Fatechanger is not one of them. If anything, I hope the skills you gain here will put an end to that meaningless fight. You are excused."

"Thank you once again Principal." I say heading out the door.

Sotiarius: The Beginning*حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن