TBNGBHAB....Chapter Twenty Four

Start from the beginning

"How are you holding up?" I asked Nicole softly, suddenly curious with how she was dealing with everything when she had such a target on her.

Nicole shrugged, "Not really surprised honestly that it came down to this, but still a bit paranoid," She admitted, "Just worried for Colton since he can't defend himself if anything was to happen," She explained.

Both Amanda and I nodded understandingly. "Talking about Colton-?" I began softly, only to be cut off by Amanda's quick words.

"Derek got home a few hours before Seth and insisted on staying up through the night, when he saw Nicole awake he offered to give her a moment alone, he'll crash before we know it, just needs to wind down from the adrenaline that was pumping through him from the run," Amanda explained.

I laughed faintly, "Seth didn't even say two words to me, just pulled me to his side and tucked himself close before falling asleep.

"Those two could be more opposite could they?"

Amanda chuckled and nodded. "You know no one is going to let anything happen to either of you, right?" I turned to her, wanting to make sure that she knew this.

Nicole took a deep breath and nodded, "I know, but I can't help but be nervous," She admitted.

I could understand her worry but still tried to reassure her otherwise. Conversation flowed easily between the three of us from there, the caffeine in our coffee a nice touch to keep it going as well.

Mid-drink Amanda surprised me with a completely random question, "How do you feel about Mel being pregnant?" She wondered. "You're the last of the three..."

I looked at her with raised eyebrows and Nicole chuckled at my expression, "It doesn't really faze me, sure both of my best friends are going to have babies, but more for me to love on. I honestly don't see myself having kids for a while..." I admitted truthfully.

Amanda bit into her bottom lip and nodded, "Thought so, but I had to ask at least once. Good thing I at least have one grand-baby to love on for the time being," She smiled in Nicole's direction graciously.

After a good hour of chatting from there and finishing off the pot of coffee between the three of us, I excused myself from the kitchen and wandered back up into Seth's room. I didn't expect him to be awake, just wanted to curl into his warmth for a while, I hated everything that was happening, and I felt safest in his presence. Softly shutting the door, I smiled at the sight of Seth laying in the exact spot as when I left earlier.

Pulling back the blanket and climbing in, I was instantly pulled into Seth by his warm hold; even in his sleep wanting my body next to his.

Resting my head on him I let my eyes fluttered closed as I laid there, just trying to forget everything that was happening, imagining a perfect world. Nearly falling back asleep, my eyes opened when Seth let out a groan and shifted around, blinking his eyes as his hand slid up the back of my shirt, sliding against my bare skin.

When his sleepy eyes caught mine I sent him a smile, "Did I wake you?" I asked softly, biting into my bottom lip.

Seth chuckled lightly under his breath, his chuckle raspy from his sleep, "No, you didn't beautiful. My body is just telling me that I need to get up..." He explained.

I smiled in his direction, and shook my head, "After barely four hours of sleep?" I wonder.

With a shrug, Seth smiled at me, "I'll sleep better when everything it figured out," He admitted. "I'm sure you didn't sleep much, yet here you are wide awake with coffee breath..." He accused me, leaning in and pressing his lips to mine for a brief kiss.

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